Hi mates, completely don't know why, but I just wanna tell it, after all it's "about" The Prodigy, so I just wrote it down, read it or not, your (ruff in the jungle) bizness
My favourite Prodigy people, oh the ones from very very back in time to primary skool, then back in time to middle skool. I loved a girl's pronouncement: "Prodigy is a shit, a crap". Do you know why did she say it? Because she was up to me and saw the poster about Flint on my wall. Flint with the punk hair yea. She said: he's mad, his music also must be shit.
A'ight, I said. Two weeks later, party at her home. I brought a copied DISC to there, full of different audio tracks, just like everyone else. I said: put this shit up, let's allow track 1 to sound loud. (Track 1 was: NO GOOD on the disc) Yea, it sounded loud, and the girl (who said prodigy is shit) comes to me and asks: "hey man, what is this music, I know it! I've heard it million times on tv but never knew the title or the artist of it. I've searched in on the net, couldn't find, so now I'm happy you have it. So can you tell me what is this?"
And I said: "well, y'know this is the music which you were talking about like: this is a crap, a shit."
She: "Don't understand."
I: "Of course you don't. But hey! You can't like The Prodigy. Y'know you said, that a shit, cos Flint's look-like."
She: "Is this Prodigy?" :O
I: "Yea, you cunt."
She: "OMG, I guess this track isn't as good as I thought."
Fucking cunt.
The other story:
I was at my friend. We went to the stairhouse to smoke (it is not allowed to smoke in his flat, because of the little child there). We smoked, talked, a neigbour came up. A girl around 16 and music sounded loudly from her headphones. She said hello to us and I've heard she's listening to Breathe by The Prodigy. So I said: "hey, isn't it Prodigy?"
She: "yes, it is. I luv it y'know."
I: "well, fuck yeah, I'm a fan, good to hear you also like them."
She: "course I do, they are fucking good. But actually I only like this track of their's"
(A fucking fashion-fucker - I thought)
I: why, do you know them actually?
She: no, actually I only know this track of Prodigy.
Well, yea, great, love this kinda people forever
Oh and mates: sorry if I you read it thru and I bothered you.