MSN Lite?
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Author:  TMWKTM [ Mon Sep 11, 2006 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  MSN Lite?

Is there a lighter version of MSN or a program that can use MSN you can download? Everytime I'm on MSN it eats up all my resources, and heaven forbid I got a couple covos going at the same time :roll: Doesn't help this things a piece of junk, but of well. I know there's Web Messenger, but are there any other programs out there?

Author:  evans [ Mon Sep 11, 2006 8:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

trillian, lets you have msn, icq, yahoo, irc and someother from 1 programme, think its good on resources too...

Author:  Aquila [ Mon Sep 11, 2006 9:36 pm ]
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Messpatch from will allow you to modify messenger and remove all those useless and annoying features, such as the ads. Works well for me.

Author:  chumpclassic [ Mon Sep 11, 2006 11:01 pm ]
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sounds like your talking about doesnt bog up computers from what i see but i dont know how you feel about that

Author:  bongo [ Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:27 am ]
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you should try "googletalk" no features at all!
should be very light but i'm not very sure!!!!!!

Author:  ET [ Tue Sep 12, 2006 10:40 am ]
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or try msn 7.5 xD

windows live msgr.... damn.... all those bugs :P

Author:  TylerDurden [ Thu Sep 14, 2006 12:17 am ]
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Yeah that trillian sounds like a good idea!

Author:  TMWKTM [ Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:09 am ]
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TylerDurden wrote:
Yeah that trillian sounds like a good idea!

I tried Trillian briefly, crashed like every 2 minutes, so i sent it to the bin :jase:

Author:  bongo [ Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:24 am ]
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google talk is realy very very worth a try!!!!!!!!!!!!

Author:  s0ren [ Thu Sep 14, 2006 7:53 am ]
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patch msn messenger version 7.5 ... Its nice, and still the only client for msn that supports webcam and voice conversations (and stupid fucking preteen emoticons and winks if you are one of those who needs that).

I didnt like trillian much. Was a bit unstable and i didnt like the GUI. For multi account IM i still prefere Gaim. Works with aim, msn, yahoo, icq, jabber/google talk, etc.

Author:  erika [ Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:08 am ]
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i agree msn messenger 7.5 is pretty good

Author:  FLAME-XIII [ Mon Feb 19, 2007 11:27 am ]
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I've yesterday..... instaled a Windows Live Messenger......much much better then standart msn.....BigSugar instal the WLM to itself too....and I will send you....girls porno pictures....

Author:  Agent Orange [ Mon Feb 19, 2007 12:37 pm ]
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I was so bored I made a stripped down version of MSN for fun...



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