Future President of the United States of America?
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Author:  mexicanfan [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 7:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Future President of the United States of America?

Clinton, McCain or Obama? Do you care?

What does the outside world think about any of these candidates?

I voted for Obama and I hope he wins!!!


Author:  s0ren [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

I dont know the candidates enough to have a favorite. But i seriously do think that the people of Iraq should be allowed to vote as its common practice for proper colonies.

Author:  Agent Orange [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:48 pm ]
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I'm sorry, but anyone on in that position will figurally end up with a small moustache, combed hair and a logo on his arm. That's simply what such a position does with people, sooner or later. Omaba is the one and only guy I trust the most in corrupting the slowest of the three candidates. At least, that's my vision. The first period he will convince, the second period he will exploit. But considering the first period everyone trusts in this guy, he can do the fuck he want and people will say he's right. Just like any powerful leader. Hitler was the grandmaster of modern times to master this skill. Again, no offense. It's just what I think. Don't worry about what I have say. Having one leader results in difference between power. Fuck that. Power corrupts. We all know. :lol:

Author:  Manny [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 8:57 pm ]
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I voted Clinton.

Author:  BRAINKILLER [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:08 pm ]
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s0ren wrote:
people of Iraq should be allowed to vote as its common practice for proper colonies.


Author:  jugo [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 9:40 pm ]
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it'll just be the same old same old.

you only get to be president with the support of the banks, big business and the military.
whoever wins will have to spend the time looking after their interests = more war on terror, neo-colonial 'spreading democracy' bullshit, and trite 'USA! USA!' nationalism.

the only people who seem to think there will be a difference are naive americans.

as usual the rest of the world will be rolling our eyes, and wondering where they'll be starting the next war.

Author:  Deviant_Tech [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:46 pm ]
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Benjamin Franklin gets my vote.

Author:  feelthy [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 10:47 pm ]
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I don't know what's the best, I just hope it's not a republican

so either Clinton or Obama.

Author:  Agent Orange [ Wed Apr 02, 2008 11:32 pm ]
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Yeah, what you're all saying is pretty much what I posted aswell. ;)

I'm happy more people think that way.

Author:  benny-blanco [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 4:40 am ]
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Al gore :)

im not joking theres some rumors that gore is gonna be the one

by the way "mexicanfan" wich part of mexico do you belong to?
or you live in the US

eske yo tambien soy de mexico jajaja
(beouse im mexican too )

Author:  kissass [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

hum i think obama or clinton would be good

:lol: just no more fucking republicans

and yeah it takes quite a while for the new prezy to clean up after the old prezy mistakes

but clinton when she kinda did it before :lol: :-D was really good i think kinda suck at foreign realtions but did quite abit for the economy

but no one remembers cause her hubby had to get his dick sucked :lol:

and she a tree hugger and i like that in a prezy :lol:

but i do think either of them would be equally good :-D

Author:  kissass [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:23 pm ]
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benny-blanco wrote:
Al gore :)

im not joking theres some rumors that gore is gonna be the one

by the way "mexicanfan" wich part of mexico do you belong to?
or you live in the US

eske yo tambien soy de mexico jajaja
(beouse im mexican too )

i was mexican in another life
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  chumpclassic [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 2:57 pm ]
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It's probably going to be John McCain. For One Hilary Clinton is off of her rocker....I honestly think shes the Anti-christ...the woman wants to ban Videogames :roll: Obama has no real experience which may or may not hurt him, he gives great speeches and actually is the only person to have ever gotten me a little pumped about politics but in the end i dont think this country is ready to have a black president, I'm not saying I couldnt deal with having a black president...President Palmer on 24 got me over that obstacle :lol: :oldtongue: but its really going to be the rednecks in the south that wont want to see either a woman or a black man in office. I could be wrong but we'll see soon enough.

Author:  chumpclassic [ Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:01 pm ]
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monkfish687 wrote:
jugo wrote:
it'll just be the same old same old.

you only get to be president with the support of the banks, big business and the military.
whoever wins will have to spend the time looking after their interests = more war on terror, neo-colonial 'spreading democracy' bullshit, and trite 'USA! USA!' nationalism.

the only people who seem to think there will be a difference are naive americans.

as usual the rest of the world will be rolling our eyes, and wondering where they'll be starting the next war.

Ain't that the truth.

All politicians are the same bullshit and lies.

I wonder if Obama will do anything for black Americans?

Why doesn't Arnie go for it. Spose he can't being a foreigner, but then how can he be governer of California?

I know no one likes bush but you also gotta look at the choice america was given. John Kerry!? who the fuck is John Kerry!? guy changed his political views daily. America was ready to get rid of bush and the democrats figured they would prove that Bush was such a bad president that they would just toss out there worst candidate to make a point of that they could win no matter who they threw out there. Honestly any other candidate comes out of that party last year bush isnt in office right now

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