Quick, we need your support!
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Author:  NEOREV [ Thu Feb 24, 2011 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Quick, we need your support!

Hey guys and girl,

If you're on Facebook, my beautiful fiance Erin submitted her artwork to be considered for an official CD release by dubstep/glitch producer MOCHIPET!

His FB artist's page

Here's her submission:!/phot ... 54&theater

Please "like" her art and if possible, leave a comment.

If she wins, they will use it as the official artwork for his new single Whompasaurus Sex!
And if he comes near New York while on tour, he will come and perform at our own party!
Here's hoping for a MOCHIPET & NEOREV show!

So please help us out and cast your vote!
Thank you so much!


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