VLC MP dvd plays
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Author:  ©@rm4g3dd0n [ Sun Dec 11, 2011 2:13 pm ]
Post subject:  VLC MP dvd plays


just an interesting thing ive noticed. i used vlc 0.8.6 and for some reason it never played the wake the fuck up intro of their law dvd, it immediately started with the main menu. now i just installed the latest version of vlc and thought i would see if it actually plays that intro or not. (as a matter of fact, it doesnt.) but what i noticed was a bit weird to me.
while i was using the older version of the player, if i took my cursor over a menu point (for instance "videos") it had a rollover effect and the text was highlited with RED lines. Kinda pen-written-style u know. This other vlc does the same, but in BLUE.
just wanted to ask if u have any idea how is it possible?

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