LG GU230 phone music player help
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Author:  Harbinger [ Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  LG GU230 phone music player help

I got a LG GU230 and have a 2GB external SD card fitted.

I loaded on a few albums in their seperate folders onto the card but when I try to play them it plays through the first track then just stops so if I want the next track I have to do it manually. I have tried to create a playlist as well and the same thing happens. It will play multiple tracks on shuffle but that is annoying.

Am I doing something wrong or is it fooked ? Thanks if anyone can shed some light.

Author:  4ever2mind [ Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LG GU230 phone music player help

Harbinger wrote:
I got a LG GU230 and have a 2GB external SD card fitted.

I loaded on a few albums in their seperate folders onto the card but when I try to play them it plays through the first track then just stops so if I want the next track I have to do it manually. I have tried to create a playlist as well and the same thing happens. It will play multiple tracks on shuffle but that is annoying.

Am I doing something wrong or is it fooked ? Thanks if anyone can shed some light.

don't play them direct from folder. get a player or try the one inside the phone.

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