can someone help me making a logo
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Author:  MoozeBlaster [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  can someone help me making a logo

Hey. I am not good at making graphics stuff at a computer. I want to make a logo for my muay thai gym. I was hoping that maybe someone here could help me? many of you make alot of awesome fan made posters and stuff like that. So you got skills for sure. :)

I want a round logo with this clipart in the middle:

And this style of logo:

where it says "HAKKORYU", i want it to say "BUDOKAI ROGNAN".

And where it says "MARTIAL ARTS", i want it to say "ROGNAN MUAY THAI"

Colours: Black clipart and lines, and red background for the siluette".

Thanks for any help guys. :)

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