Hey Brainkiller - Been a while since I've posted here. Anyhow, been busy working on my own independent comic creations under the banner 80% Studios...just hustling to get our brand off the ground in the pacific northwest!

We are Dimi Macheras (me on the right), and Casey Silver (left)...I do the art and Casey does the words! But we both collaborate on story/concept/breakdowns etc....It's a very organic creative process so we don't like to differentiate between WRITER/ARTIST....we like to take a Crystal Method or Chemical Bros. approach to how we represent our comics and Studio.
We have been putting our stamp on the local comic convention circuit and slowly but steadily cultivating our 4 exciting comic book properties. These are all home-made, home-grown, self published, and independent creations...we are NOT PUBLISHED. We are doing this to get better, to become good at what we love and someday be able to make our stories full time!
Check our social media for loads more art and cool shit we are up to!
http://www.facebook.com/80percentstudioshttp://www.80percentstudios.tumblr.comGuttertown - Our flagship title, and love song to Blade Runner...the first 8 issue arc follows the struggles of rebel youth who participate in underground electronic music battles called BEATFIGHTER, but the series will broaden the scope to explore all the different alleys and upper eschelon of this overcrowded, neon drenched city work which is based on Seattle, called DENDRITE. we have recently just printed the 5th issue.

Dallas Merchant and the Keepers of the Blood Mandala - An all ages tattoo-occult action adventure comic in the vein of Big Trouble in Little China if it was a Saturday morning cartoon. It's the story of a young girl, Dallas, who is on a quest to rescue her grandfather who taught her the secret art of Mandala Magic. She is on the run and working undercover as a tattoo artist in Los Angeles, where she ropes in the help of a Lunk-head ex space marine named Syd Vigil, who along with her faithful pug, Atilla the Tongue, will travel to the sprawling megazaars of Nu Dehli and fight the forces of demonic forces along the way!

Bad City - A Psychedelic fight comic on the bleeding edge of reality in a city full of warriors and peril! I take a stream of consciousness approach to the characters and storytelling in these short 6 page bursts which are contained within NEMESIS ENFORCER, an all Seattle based comic anthology featuring the hottest up and coming underground comic artists in the local area! These are characters I came up with all the way back in high school, and they've been rattling around in the back of my mind for years. It's so awesome finally putting them onto the page! Check the first joint HERE-
Bartan - An anthropomorphic space adventure featuring the greatest hero of the multiverse in a battle against the echo of his own destiny!! This is our fourth property which will comprise the 80% Studios collection. The characters are all the brain children of Casey and the story will pay homage to the extreme superhero comics we fell in love with from the 90s with a heavy does of Manga influence! Stay Tuned!