Bandlink wrote:
It seems that Spencer found out the real truth behind this, so I've locked the topic.
It wasn't was me. He's quoted what I posted in the very first post.
IF Mike is real and has been fired then I too
apologise for this.
However, I cannot believe that he has used his real name and did not realise someone would either :
1: Attempt to find out the truth or pure speculation by emailing CV.
2: Realise someone maybe from CV itself would find the thread browsing and expect nothing to happen if the secret info is true. Pretty sure they would do some google searching t osee if anythnig had come out..I would if I worked for a company which had this type of confidentiality.
(If you knew you would be fired for posting something of a confidential nature if anyone found out, would you still do it ??)
If someone wanted to post the details but not get into trouble they would use a false name/ non-identifying username. But just by reading the content of the post CV would know who had posted it as I doubt there would be dozens of people working with it.
Again, if Mike is real and has been fired then I apologise.