World's On Fire
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Author:  Cogglesz [ Thu May 22, 2008 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  World's On Fire

:lol: seeing this is the last one to get made here, im sorta wondering is this track not really good ?

i know warriors dance seems to be the number one track at the moment but to me it sounds rather unfinished, its not like got enough in it to be a proper prodigy in my opinion but im sure once its out that problem will be solved as always.

well worlds on fire, its my favourite at the moment those "its on fire, its on fire " vocals are really darn catchy, i really like this song alot !!

Author:  nucleartitan [ Thu May 22, 2008 6:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

man,how do you do to hear a sound iworld's on fire?the quality that we have of that file is terrible,i don't say that it's worst or better,'cause i can't judge for the quality of the file.

Author:  Cogglesz [ Thu May 22, 2008 6:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

umm here :D

to me its like all era's into one track, theres parts of experience, mftjg guitars, fotl, even aono and there seems to be almost a 06 - 08 sorta feeling too because of all the fills and live play liams done over those years and considering its a new track, sounds amazing to me

Author:  Crixus [ Thu May 22, 2008 6:24 pm ]
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2 short

Author:  Cogglesz [ Thu May 22, 2008 6:37 pm ]
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anyone else want somthing to bitch about ?

heres an idea.

since most prodigy tracks are looped, listen to a low q version then listen to the hi q version to get an idea of how it goes :roll:

Author:  foulmouth [ Thu May 22, 2008 6:39 pm ]
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i really dig it the most, it has the speed n energy that i miss in the other tracks.

Author:  ChemicaL [ Thu May 22, 2008 10:02 pm ]
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I like it. Has the old skool vibe along with his trademark rolling beats, something that hardly happened anywhere on AONO. Sure, it needs more work but when I think of the early version of Serial Thrilla or Baby's Got A Temper, I'm actually grateful cause those tracks sound fucking tremendous in comparison how they sounded when they were first introduced to the crowd. And he's right, this one should've been called AONO.

Author:  TMWKTM [ Fri May 23, 2008 12:08 am ]
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They're all good, but I'd rate them Warriors, Unstoppable, Worlds on Fire in order from best to.

Author:  Break 'n Enter [ Fri May 23, 2008 2:37 am ]
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Well the quality is not that good but since I've listened to so many live versions I know what to expect from a good quality recording. For me World's on Fire is the best of the three and I am really looking forward to hear it in better quality.It is fast+ nice vocal from both Maxim and Keith+ oldskool+ raw and heavy....I don't really how it gets any better than that. :slayer:

Author:  Fifer [ Fri May 23, 2008 3:29 am ]
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I'd say World's on fire is promising but can't tell from such a short clip. Warriors dance doesn't sound that unfinished. I slapped on we are the ruffest last night and the similarities were quite surprising. Have to remember the Warriors and Unstoppable recordings are good live recordings but you still can't really hear much of the bass or shit.

Author:  Negative Creep [ Fri May 23, 2008 7:10 am ]
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Fans of the FOTL era will be disappointed with the new stuff. The quality of these video recordings ain't good at all, but all of us could find out what the new stuff is about. Because of these poor recording quality videos, we are not able to hear all the sounds and all the elements of the tracks. That's why these tracks seem to us "unfinished". After all, the same shit is happening with the other tracks we listening from a live recording but from the studio the sounds are quite different.
My opinion is that we have to expect a massive album

Author:  s0ren [ Fri May 23, 2008 8:59 am ]
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From the clips i have heard i dont like the track much. Neither unstopable really. But as nucleartitan says, i think its like judgeing how cool a ferrari is based on a picture like this:
I will wait untill i hear the tunes in their full glory.

Author:  Cogglesz [ Sat May 24, 2008 9:40 am ]
Post subject: 

it does seem the prodigy has sampled a hadoken tune.

i remember their being news on the forum about them remixing a tune, perhaps there was some truth behind it ... re=related

Author:  untitled6 [ Sat May 24, 2008 10:06 am ]
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after waching "behind the scenes" video I love the vibe of this tune. It's great.

Author:  Matti [ Sat May 24, 2008 10:14 am ]
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That beat reminds me of Warning and Wake the fuck up. :wink:

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