Which is which !?!? Beat 55/Mescaline
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Author:  Lolret [ Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:51 am ]
Post subject:  Which is which !?!? Beat 55/Mescaline

Hey, Im new to these forums. I was checking out the new Prodigy stuff on You-Tube, and am confused as to which songs are which. On the vid, the Xylophone song was under Mescaline, Then I came here, and downloaded "Mescaline", and then got what I thought was Unstopable.

Which is the one with the Xylophone, and does anyone have an mp3 download from one of the live shows.
Also a little while back there was a song called: Heatwave that I saw on a You-Tube Video that sounded awesome. Does anyone have a link for that mp3 either ?.
Thanks. :x

Author:  Cogglesz [ Fri Jun 27, 2008 2:54 am ]
Post subject: 

ok heres the deal..

1. people on youtube are confused and upset.

2. Unstoppable Was Renamed into mescaline, unstoppable had maxim doing vocals but now keith does them and there are new parts in it, the only changes to beat 55 was some fancy new drums.

we had a poll about what was everyones favourite, as far as i can remember warriors dance and mescaline were at the top.

i still love mescaline

Author:  Lolret [ Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:00 am ]
Post subject: 

ah I c,
So what is the name of the song with the Xylophone, if it isnt Mescaline, and if its not Unstoppable ?.

Author:  DS [ Fri Jun 27, 2008 3:46 am ]
Post subject: 

Lolret wrote:
ah I c,
So what is the name of the song with the Xylophone, if it isnt Mescaline, and if its not Unstoppable ?.

Beat 55

Author:  Agent Orange [ Fri Jun 27, 2008 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Which is which !?!? Beat 55/Mescaline

Lolret wrote:
Also a little while back there was a song called: Heatwave that I saw on a You-Tube Video that sounded awesome. Does anyone have a link for that mp3 either ?.
Nope, sorry. There are no proper recordings for that track. :cry:

Author:  AZZiDO [ Fri Jun 27, 2008 12:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm confused as to why ppl on this forum think unstoppable and mescaline are the same track. Mescaline is the xlophone track people have been on about and called beat 55 / xlophone 55 (which are shit names, stick to mescaline). Unstoppable is a totally different track where maxim actually says the lyrics 'Unstoppable'. So in conclusion,

Mescaline == Beat 55 / Xylophone 55

Unstoppable == Unstoppable (it never had any other names ... ever)

Beat 55 is just what the ppl put on the setlist at the club shows cos they didnt know the actual name of the song. Prodigy call it Mescaline so thats that.

Author:  TheBitchUhated [ Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Wrong.. If you'd listen the VIPinMusic recording by Gava you'd know that unstoppable doesn't exist anymore.. Its called Mescaline now, and it has different lyrics..

And the xylophone stuff is called beat55 :)

Author:  Jericho-X [ Fri Jun 27, 2008 1:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Beat 55 - the xylophone track!

Unstoppable - 1st play with maxims vocals, also it had the "Molotov Coctail" sample, which is now in Beat 55.

Mescaline - Alternative version of Unstoppable, but now with Keith on vocal, and without the "Molotov Coctail" sample.

It can't get any clearer than that :roll: :wink:

Also, about the 3-5 tracks that Liam still has to write for the album, I think these are among them, since he is playing around with samples and vocals! Probably still not sure where these tracks will end!

Author:  Lolret [ Fri Jun 27, 2008 9:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Ah ok,
So does anyone have a download link for the Beat 55 mp3 ?

Author:  Jr [ Sat Jun 28, 2008 5:33 am ]
Post subject: 

normally I am weary of when keith takes over the maxim vocal duties. But this time with mescaline i think it works perfectly.

Just wish Liam wasn't so unsure of putting maxim on stuff. Why not let him do the vocal lines on Dead ken?

Author:  Fifer [ Sat Jun 28, 2008 8:47 am ]
Post subject: 

It can be somewhat confusing you know. Mainly because Keith said they were going to play a "new" track called mescaline. But it just turned out to be a re-worked unstoppable. All this trial and error is a good thing though. We might never hear certain version of these songs again. Who knows what will be on the albumn!

Author:  Lolret [ Sun Jun 29, 2008 3:34 am ]
Post subject: 

Bump on a live mp3 of Beat 55!
I cant get the Xylophone and Molotov phrase out of mah head >:O.
If anyone knows where I can download the mp3 that would be awesome.
And why didnt they release that Heatwave song? it sounded badass.

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