Prodigy tape cassettes - a treat for you all
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Author:  djjimbob [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Prodigy tape cassettes - a treat for you all

Hi all,

First of all, the treat:

It's an MP3 of the Prodigy, Live at Sound City 1992. Fire, Charly (snippet), Jerhico (snippet), Your Love, Death of the Prodigy Dancers are on it.

I've got the 1995 Sound City gig which is about 21mins long which I might upload later...... - Here it is:
(Tracklist is: Break and Enter, Voodoo People, Rhythm of Life, Poison,
Out of Space)

They're extremely high quality as I did them on Metal tapes using a decent recorder.

And now I can present to you my eBay Prodigy Tape Auctions! Yaay:
(The XL mix tape - 3 copies of this! Use view my other auctions to see.) ... RK:MESE:IT
(Brixton Bootleg) ... RK:MESE:IT
(Charly) ... RK:MESE:IT
(Unheard Pleasures compilation) ... RK:MESE:IT



Author:  Boubafeet [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well nice one. I just want to remind you that you have got a download thread for the megaupload link, just edit your post and put it with the other lives in the live download thread.
I got them both and i do agree there are pretty good actually.

Nice link i might be interested in it.

Author:  DENOX [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

there's already a topic where sell Prodigy stuff... ... .php?t=414

Author:  Anubis [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

why dont you share your tapes with the rest of the fans ? make a capture of it and let us taste too

Author:  djjimbob [ Wed Aug 27, 2008 10:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

Anubis wrote:
why dont you share your tapes with the rest of the fans ? make a capture of it and let us taste too

Nothing like a bit of something for free is there? :-D

See my original post - free 92 gig and a 95 gig on the way....

I do have the brixton tape and dj mag tape on wav/mp3. I'm pretty sure the dj mag set must have been posted by someone, somewhere and the brixton gig is pretty low quality - as the auction says.

Author:  Flachcracker [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:28 am ]
Post subject: 

I´ve got a - maybe stupid - common question:

Often I take a look at ebay worldwide and if I ask a seller in UK how I can pay an article I often only get the answer: only PAYPAL and no bank transfer

I don´t trust paypal and wanna pay via normal bank transfer along with an IBAN and BIC Code, but no one in England seems to know what it is all about...

IBAN = International Bank Account Number
BIC = Bank Identifier Code [also known as SWIFT-Code]

Those codes are necessary for bank transfers inside Europe, and I guess the "problem" here with England is, that they have GBP and not Euros....

So: Does anybody can answer me, how to sent money LEGAL to England via bank to pay won articles ??? :dunno:

Author:  djjimbob [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:41 am ]
Post subject: 

International bank transfers are a pain to do and can be expensive, which is why they are avoided. I guess the banks have to put more security checks in place to prevent money laundering.

Paypal is the solution, not the problem!

Author:  Vicen [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 8:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Flachcracker wrote:
I´ve got a - maybe stupid - common question:

Often I take a look at ebay worldwide and if I ask a seller in UK how I can pay an article I often only get the answer: only PAYPAL and no bank transfer

I don´t trust paypal and wanna pay via normal bank transfer along with an IBAN and BIC Code, but no one in England seems to know what it is all about...

IBAN = International Bank Account Number
BIC = Bank Identifier Code [also known as SWIFT-Code]

Those codes are necessary for bank transfers inside Europe, and I guess the "problem" here with England is, that they have GBP and not Euros....

So: Does anybody can answer me, how to sent money LEGAL to England via bank to pay won articles ??? :dunno:

I haven't got any problem with Paypal until now, and you have a guarantee if anything goes wrong with the transaction.
Bank transfer take 2-3 days to complete and if item doesn't arrive you lost your money.

The only thing I wouldn't use NEVER is Western Union.

PS: I don't work at Paypal :)

Author:  June [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah PayPal is the best way to pay for eBay items for sure 8-)

Author:  Anubis [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:10 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  DS [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Prodigy tape cassettes - a treat for you all

djjimbob wrote:
It's an MP3 of the Prodigy, Live at Sound City 1992. Fire, Charly (snippet), Jerhico (snippet), Your Love, Death of the Prodigy Dancers are on it.

This was posted before, Norwich Sound City 24.04.1992 Radio 1 from Voodoo Crew Bootleg and the full broadcast directly from the radio 1 with one track more:

4:45 G-Force
4:11 Music Reach
5:02 Fire
3:43 Jericho *(missing in the Voodoo Crew Bootleg but broadcasted by Radio 1)
4:21 Your Love
3:45 Death Of The Prodigy Dancers

djjimbob wrote:
I've got the 1995 Sound City gig which is about 21mins long which I might upload later.

Nice one, waiting the upload.

Author:  Flachcracker [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 4:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

Vicen wrote:

I haven't got any problem with Paypal until now, and you have a guarantee if anything goes wrong with the transaction.

That´s something I know, but I heard that this "guarantee" is just accommodation of PayPal and not a 100% sure thing. It can happen, that you don´t get you money back in case of problems.

And I read in an article of German TV-newschannel that paypal is an institution only for Germany, Austria and Switzerland. If you buy something from England and still got problems Paypal will not help you.

I heard some people made really really bad experiences !!

EDIT: ...found this site here !

Author:  DS [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Flachcracker, I agree with Vicen, June and Anubis.

I had a good experience with paypal.

I'm from Spain and I bought in ebay from a UK ebayer, I have bought a Babys got a temper AAA backstage pass and never arrived,
I paid with paypal and I recover the money back.

Another time, I bought something from china and not arrived but could not recover my money because I was not within paypal claim they are 45 days.

Paypal is 100% secure.

Always buy from sellers who have the Paypal protection and does not have negative feedbacks.

Author:  DENOX [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 6:52 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm also with Paypal. I always use it to pay out of Spain because it's the fast and secure way

Author:  Anubis [ Thu Aug 28, 2008 7:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

let's focus on the topic , i'm waiting for the wave file that the man promised :twisted:

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