Live For French?... WTF
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Author:  Boubafeet [ Sun Oct 01, 2006 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Live For French?... WTF

Why there is'nt live from Prodigy in France? There was just two since the band was created.

:scratchhead: I hope there will be one in 2007, when the dates tours are given?

Author:  Arie [ Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Live For French?... WTF

Boubafeet wrote:
Why there is'nt live from Prodigy in France? There was just two since the band was created.

:scratchhead: I hope there will be one in 2007, when the dates tours are given?

The band seems to avoid France. Rumours are that the band didn't like several French magazines writing about how The Fat Of The Land would be a "nazi album". A more simple explanation would be that there are simply no French organizers of festivals and gigs who book The Prodigy. I suggest that you contact a local festival organizer and convince them to book the band for a gig.

Author:  Boubafeet [ Sun Oct 01, 2006 3:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thank you Arie. I have got to go in Uk or Germany now to see my favorite band... :boring:

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