Compression artifacts on RWTW
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Author:  dreamfinder [ Tue Feb 24, 2009 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Compression artifacts on RWTW

I would not usally ask questions about this kind of thing but is it me or are compression artefacts present on this track? Or is it just my iTunes pissarsing around? I bought the album digitally on day of release (FYI).

I find that said noises are most prominent in the starting drum beats (0.00 - 0.11 seconds, they also continue throughout the song) and sound exactly like a low quality sample hence causing the metallic or mp3 bell chiming effect? Currently I do not have a CD to compare these MP4 files to, so was wondering if anybody is hearing the same noises on this particular track.

I listened to the track talkthrough (on iTunes) and interpreted that Grohl sent H his tunes digitally, was wondering why H would include mp3 artefacts on a track that was recorded & mastered. Its left me utterly stumped and to me Run With The Wolves is the most skippable track on the album because it sounds like a 96kbs recorded mp3. I dont have any other issues with any other tracks on the album.

I love the vocals on this track but the low qual drumbeats drive me insane and I just have to skip it.

Am still waiting on vinyl album and 7" boxset. Not happy with recordstore to be brutally honest.

Apologies for the essay, ese.

Author:  Randy Bo Bandy [ Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:06 am ]
Post subject: 

They're on the CD too mate!!

God knows why Liam put those effects on it. Makes it sound like a bad quality burn!

Author:  Otis P Jivefunk [ Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:16 am ]
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I never noticed this and I'm generally quite picky with this sort of thing. What I did notice though are a few other minor things on different tracks. The "Hold It" part of TMTTH has a distracting low bass sound. There is a wierd extra noise on at the end of a few of the drum loops on the title track Invaders Must Die. Also the horn intro on Warriors Dance has a distant echo of what sounds like a distant drum or something when it loops. I only noticed these things off the actual CD on my hifi which picks up a lot of details. Not sure how much of these are intentional...

Author:  +747+ [ Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:42 am ]
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a) Liam wanted to give the track a ''Raw'' feel.
b) Liam wants to give the listener the impression that ''Electronic'' beats are harder than drum beats produced from an actual drum kit.

Author:  stonehigh [ Wed Feb 25, 2009 2:06 am ]
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i can hear it too

Author:  MoozeBlaster [ Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:15 am ]
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That echo-sound on the horns on warrior's dance makes it sound more cool I think..

Author:  Warrior [ Wed Feb 25, 2009 12:19 pm ]
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liams excuse for everything lazy he does; its punk rock :roll:

the tone of the guitar sounds rubbbish, cut-off above 6khz or some shit.

above all else, for me, worlds on fire has been murdered.

liams made being tacky an artform the past 2 albums now, i like it up to a point.. n then its just silly.

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