What IMD tracks to remain?
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Author:  ©@rm4g3dd0n [ Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:18 pm ]
Post subject:  What IMD tracks to remain?

The following tracks are played from IMD on a gig:

Invaders Must Die
Take Me To The Hospital
Warrior's Dance
Run With The Wolves
Omen Reprise
World's On Fire

almost everything except for Piranha and Stand Up, although this latter was played at the end of a gig when they went off the stage, at least I heard it to be played on Sziget 09.
Question is, what tracks do you think will remain in a new era? Which are the tracks they will still play when promoting the next album?

Author:  Elsewhere [ Sat Apr 09, 2011 8:30 pm ]
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Omen, it's a strong live track, plus band choose it to be first official single off the album, so they must have faith in it.
Take me to the hospital has become trademark thing.

This album was a lot a reminder what they are about, so maybe they will discard some older ones instead and leave IMD stuff untouched.

Author:  NEOREV [ Sat Apr 09, 2011 9:04 pm ]
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Well since Prodigy setlists always feature the "singles/hits" from past albums...

Warrior's Dance
Take Me To The Hospital
Invaders Must Die
Run With The Wolves (possibly) but it could go the "Serial Thrilla" route and disappear from their sets.

Am I the only one who thinks "World's On Fire" should not be the opener?
But instead have Omen Reprise be the intro and kick off with Invaders Must Die... since it has the "We Are The Prodigy" vocal

I think that vocal would work so much better as the opener

Seems silly 3/4's into their set to hear that vocal part... it's like "Yeah we know you're the Prodigy by now guys. I've only been jumping around like an idiot to your beats for the last half hour."

I think Prodge dropped the ball on their setlist order in some spots.
Just my opinion though.

Author:  TDT [ Sat Apr 09, 2011 10:18 pm ]
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Hell no. WOF should remain the opening track, it's what gets people into the mood, on "fire". About the IMD vocals, who cares?! Do you think the people are there to listen to that or to feel the tracks and dance their ass off? Liam could add a "fuck off and go away" sample on a track and people still wouldn't give a shit.

Author:  climbatize92 [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 7:51 am ]
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Omen, Take Me To The Hospital, Warrior's Dance and may be IMD will be remain.

Author:  Boudewijn [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:30 am ]
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I've heard Stand Up at Rock am Ring, Lowlands, Heineken Music Hall and the Phillipshalle for sure. They did not play it on every concert I went this era.

I think they'll keep Invaders, Worlds On Fire, Warrior's Dance, Omen and Take Me To The Hospital.

Author:  paolocar88 [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:38 am ]
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in the next era they'll have to start to rotate songs in the setlist.. or to make 2h gigs.... so many good songs to play!!

omen reprise+imd, tmtth, omen are undroppable, then rwtw and wof.. imo

Author:  ©@rm4g3dd0n [ Sun Apr 10, 2011 10:51 am ]
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NEOREV wrote:
Am I the only one who thinks "World's On Fire" should not be the opener?
But instead have Omen Reprise be the intro and kick off with Invaders Must Die... since it has the "We Are The Prodigy" vocal

I think that vocal would work so much better as the opener

Seems silly 3/4's into their set to hear that vocal part... it's like "Yeah we know you're the Prodigy by now guys. I've only been jumping around like an idiot to your beats for the last half hour."

I think Prodge dropped the ball on their setlist order in some spots.
Just my opinion though.

omen reprise and imd are pretty good to be played when they come back to stage. i would want them to be played forever and in exactly the same place where they are now.
as a matter of fact, IF the intro track has to be chosen from imd tracks, then i wouldn't want wof to be changed. but IF the intro could be chose from ANY tracks, then I would have some ideas. but as it's an imd tour, it is obvious to play an imd track first and imo wof is great for it.

yes, yes, its obvious they will leave the single tracks... unfortunately. in my opinion, thunder and colours would have deserved a single instead of omen and wd. i would welcome to see jericho for instance instead of omen if we are talking about single tracks. they play every single from tfotl and thats right, they have to. their position is also great, one in the beginning, one in the middle and smbu around the end. beautiful. they play every single of mftjg except for one love which is even more beautiful considering how shit that track is (imo). but they play no single from experience, except for oos. at least a jericho would be nice to be heard. now i know many ppl will disagree with my statement to play jericho instead of omen, but i still say omen is "not a track to start the dance, cos it's no good".

P.S. 2
Weather Experience is no a single track but that wd festival version is so fucking brilliant especially with that pulse in the background that they really should put it up on their setlist forever.

Author:  Harbinger [ Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:12 am ]
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Boudewijn wrote:
Invaders, Worlds On Fire, Warrior's Dance, Omen and Take Me To The Hospital.

Exactly these

Author:  untitled6 [ Mon Apr 11, 2011 11:23 am ]
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it depends on what the new album will be like but from the likes of it they will do another record they can mostly play live.

my take on this.. omen, take me to the hospital and warrior's dance will definitely stay for good in the setlist. world's on fire will be ditched, they will have a new opener with the new album, run with the wolves will be just like spitfire, sometimes they will play it, sometimes they won't. invaders must die was a statment, there is no need for it to carry with the new album. colours will be ditched. thunder dub might stick around but no longer then breathe dub did.

Author:  memphis [ Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:01 pm ]
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i hope they ditch firestarter and voodoo people. they've become so boring.. ditch them or replace em with original versions.. but i can't see that happening. if they don't want to ditch a classic like voodoo people, just replace it with another one, like wind it up or jericho. experience tracks work so well live.

they have so much classics they could do an alternative set... play one one day, the other the next or whatever. all of this been said before, but watching live videos you can see they don't vibe off some of the older tunes as much as the newer shit.. like the poison fill.. maxim goes berserk! and that's what the tunes should do.. "keeping it fresh not just for the people, but for ourselves as well namiin" is bullshit. they do tend to add fresh bits to the set after every year or so, but having 1000000000000000000000 tracks, that's just lazy and convenient

Author:  subtract [ Mon Apr 11, 2011 9:46 pm ]
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I think a new track should be the opener, I remember the first gig they played WOF and it rocked but its time has come I think as the more I hear it the more formulamatic it sounds. IMD will age badly I think, its an era album and still has some great live tracks but Id be happy enough for most of it to be dropped apart from TMTTH & Warriors as they sum up the band really well.

Off subject but why the fuck they don't play Girls/More Girls I dont know, such a great live tune and still sounds fresh

Author:  ©@rm4g3dd0n [ Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:23 pm ]
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subtract wrote:
Off subject but why the fuck they don't play Girls/More Girls I dont know, such a great live tune and still sounds fresh

yep, true. im sorry they dont play any aono tracks anymore. i mostly miss action radar fill after firestarter. that should still work as a connect with rwtw just as it worked with warning. id also embrace medusas path, but i think its simply that they dont like aono at all so they dont play any tracks from them.

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