How do you feel about the 'gaps' between Prodigy albums?
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Author:  Agent Orange [ Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:05 pm ]
Post subject:  How do you feel about the 'gaps' between Prodigy albums?

Yo dudes! I was thinking... it's been a serious item/issue with Prodigy's musical career, something that has been coming back after every album release/tour; the gaps. Sometimes just two years, sometimes spanning over seven years! I'm curious how you guys feel about this, and if it affects you. For me, it's been ups and downs really, sometimes months of silence, then some random material (remixes etc), an interview or two, some vague information about the future. To be honest I used to care, but lately I have been relaxing while not being really 'Prodigy minded'. The material I heard since Invaders Must Die is a huge letdown, pretty much every piece of work is a remix that doesn't say much to me. To be honest, I have shifted my attention to The Chemical Brothers because I feel like Prodigy is just too quiet and mysterious. I used to like this... sure, we got the World's on Fire show and dvd, some words about a new album. Chemical Brothers have followed by also releasing a (to me much more interesting) live show that's actually surprising and pure (no big parts roughly cut and new material)!

So... what do you think? Can you handle these seriously boring months and months of not knowing, or do you simply not care? :)

Author:  Nightmare [ Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:35 pm ]
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It's hard to wait several years for the new album/material, but it's worth.

Author:  kkikx74 [ Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:48 pm ]
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i really have to say prodigy albums are milestones in my life, from mftjg onwards. now its not so bad like between fotl and aono, but am i bothered? yes, it does bug me

Author:  gava [ Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:15 am ]
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#3 for me , Chems help me in waiting for new Prodge sound , it's not easy but with all these internet services they are updating us more then ever imo ,
yes we always want more , we want to hear old unreleased material , we want to hear little bits of the new upcoming record so we can disccuss about
the direction of it in hundreds of pages with mixed opinions and thoughts , but at the end it's all good , they will BringTheNoise and we will be jumping out of joy once again :lol: .


Author:  Elsewhere [ Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:57 am ]
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I put first answer, even it's not exact position for me, it's the best amongs them.

Waiting for new stuff is always in back of my head, at the same time it has got easier over the time : )
After Invaders i have been after new different stuff all the time. i will get flamed, but sometimes months no Prodigy in my list.

Tho im afraid my mind will drift drastically upon the new release.

Author:  feelthy [ Thu Mar 15, 2012 12:23 am ]
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I voted for last answer: I don't care/I have no opinion (or am not bothered). But it isn't exactly the truth

I started listening to Prodigy since AONO. Between then and IMD, I was very eager to getting new material. And needless to say, I was quite satisfied with receiving it every time (First Warning, Shadow, IMD, etc.).

Lately, I've been a bit dissatisfied with the promotion they have. Yes they are more into the internet. Great for that. But the singles from IMD sucked (not the tracks, but the fact we got only remixes except for Mescaline). World's on Fire was incomplete. Also they lack coverage in North America. And the gaps between albums are a bit too long I believe.

So for that reason, their status, in my opinion, has come down from my favourite band to just one of the great bands I listen to. The Prodigy are declining, I can feel that. In the last year I have listened to quite more "mainstream stuff" than I used to, and not much Prodigy. Actually I'm surprising myself in listening to AONO as I'm writing. It even sounds fresh!

So you should not expect me to be all emotional in the news section, unless a full release comes out. I'm not even thrilled to see a new Prodigy remix or collab every now and then. I listen to it, I say "OK good", then I forget. And until the new album, what I try to do, like my signature says, is to avoid all the new album material until it is fully there, just to get the surprise all at once. Just like it has happened with AONO, just like it should have happened with IMD

I guess my opinion connects with those of Agent Orange and Elsewhere

Author:  Fifer [ Fri Mar 16, 2012 6:26 pm ]
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I do care, I care that we get new music sure. But I really don't mind the gaps between albums to be honest. Less is more! They do live shows in spurts, albums come now and again. There is plenty of other artists (new and old) out there that I love that more than fill the gaps in-between.

But the prodigy will always be number one, regardless of what's released in the future. The albums, the live shows, the memories you know? If they released something every other year that would get tainted or diluted somehow. The gaps and quiet commercial demeanor of the band between albums is part of their charm, they wouldn't be the same without it.

And nothing can beat the feeling of seeing a new tune live after you've been waiting for years. You just can't beat that man, I hope they continue in the same vein until it's game over.

Author:  ©@rm4g3dd0n [ Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:13 pm ]
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I hate bands who release an album per year. u cant make a good album under only one year. what u can do is to make 2-3 good tracks while the rest of the album is shit. this is what pop fuckers do.
I think an album needs 2 or 3 years, including a period when u dont do shit just lie back and enjoy ur previous album's success. i am not bothered about waiting, i am patient. besides, i listen to so many other music that i just cannot be boring in the music industry. besides, i also satisfy myself by almost daily listening to some prodigy. in the last three weeks i kept listening to IMD from start to end in the mornings. the album is 46 minutes, i start to play it on my mp3 when i start off to work, when i arrive to my workplace the last beats of Stand Up are just about the fade away, so it is perfect. since i work 5 days a week, it means i listened to it 15 times in the last 3 weeks and i still love every single beat of it. besides, i hated Piranha when i first heard it. nowadays i just love it.
sorry for the long monologue, after all: i am not bothered to wait. im excited but i can handle that. and I NEVER fucking care what liam says about the new album, he always lies :lol:

Author:  NEOREV [ Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:15 pm ]
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i have no issues with waiting
though i think after The Prodge's long career, they could help with giving us some scraps and demos here and there to keep us entertained. i mean they have enough goddamn leftovers to do that.

but i'm fine with waiting years for album.
though the 7 year gap between FotL and AONO was a bit much
but it is what was needed at the time

take the time, make a fucking bombtastic album and it's all good with me

an album per year is kinda crappy. you become watered down. not enough time to create a masterpiece.

but i do wish The Prodigy would put their soundcloud to use and give us some old demos to peruse at our leisure. for ex: release fucking Thunder Dub in studio quality and i'll be a happy camper until the next album comes!


Author:  BRAINKILLER [ Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:22 pm ]
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feelish wrote:

I started listening to Prodigy since AONO.

weird, don't think many people became fans listening to AONO, as that was a slap in the face of them fans. That's a Howlett and friends album, not really a Prodigy one

Author:  Neuburger [ Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:06 pm ]
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as a fan i would say i want a prodigy album every day. fuck waiting.

Author:  Otis P Jivefunk [ Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:21 pm ]
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I don't mind the gaps too much, but only as long as they're not 7 year gaps like with AONO. Also, if there is a gap, then a few stop-gaps are needed. Since IMD we've has World's on Fire CD/DVD/Blu-Ray, along with a fair few remixes which is great!...

The gap between AONO and IMD was acceptable, we had Their Law CD/DVD then as well. I don't like waiting anything over 5 years though, it's not good for fans and I don't think it's healthy for the band either. Hopefully we'll never have to wait over 5 years again...

Author:  MoozeBlaster [ Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:44 pm ]
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The time right before a new album is coming out is always magic.. It would not have been that way if The Prodigy gave out album ever year or more.

Author:  feelthy [ Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:29 am ]
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feelish wrote:
I started listening to Prodigy since AONO.

weird, don't think many people became fans listening to AONO, as that was a slap in the face of them fans. That's a Howlett and friends album, not really a Prodigy one

AONO was my slap in the face too. I think at the time I was listening to Benny Benassi and shit. so the album said to me "hey here's what real caustic is like"

the thing is I previously heard SMBU in Charlie's Angel. didn't know the name, but I could remember. so it was the SMBU/Spitfire/Girls combination that first picked my attention really

Author:  Boudewijn [ Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:19 pm ]
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I voted for the second option. They keep me satisfied by performing though (I know it's the same setlist over and over again but at least I have a good excuse to visit all those countries).

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