Just have to share this, bear with me
Let me show you people a perfect website for a music artist/group!
The Prodgy have someting to learn from this site!
Go to;
www.ugress.com and take a look around.
Ugress is an electronic band from Norway. One of my favourites. A band with cool beats, rare samples from old movies, and with very cinematic melodies on top. Maybe some of you have heard them or heard of them.
(check download section if not)
The cool thing about their website, is first of all, all the free mp3's.
Even some tracks from the albums is free. (160kbps mp3's)
Good enough quality.
If you have the original CD/LP, you can get access to special sections of the site, with more free mp3's, videos etc. The code for this is inside the album covers.
The site is easy to navigate, no flash animations (which in my eyes is difficult to navigate and slows the surfing speed down)
Remember the old 2002 'missile' site Prodigy had?? Cool animations, but I was tearing my hair off everytime I tried to navigate, couldn't find anything...
Second... Ugress have this site updated all the time.
With their new album; Unicorn, which is out January 28th, they have had a continously album progress update on the site:
As you can see, they write how many songs/project created since the start of writing of this album. How many gigabytes created etc.
They started october 2005. So 2 1/2 years in the making.
In this time, they have also released 4 free EP's as mp3 on the site.
So the fans have something to shorten down their wait for a new album :
Now this is where Liam really have someting to learn
All in all, with the hidden sections on the site, I found 33 free mp3's on the site. Me like
Thanks for listening to my ramblings. Happy surfing around
Now let's take that whip out and make Liam read this
Additional info :
Myspace site :
And another project by the same guys; Shadow of the Beat (a little more drum and bass'ish)
http://www.shadowofthebeat.com/ (free mp3's here also)
and Myspace :