The Faint - Symptom Finger [Edit]
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Author:  iVan[ruff] [ Sun May 11, 2008 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  The Faint - Symptom Finger [Edit]

I know that there's no such thing as an Edit for this song but I was hoping if someone cut at least cut the out the word "shit" in the song. I plan on using it on a project, teacher says it can't have any profanity. If someone could do this for me, I'd greatly appreciate it! I'm all stressed out about school right now.

Heres the link:


Thanks again!

Author:  Cogglesz [ Sun May 11, 2008 5:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

u must have a pretty darn scrict teacher, i was aloud to do an essay on smbu once :lol:

but i've also never removed like single words from a song to make it like no swearing, but im sure if its got some loops in it i could pull it off

Author:  iVan[ruff] [ Sun May 11, 2008 6:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

Cogglesz™ wrote:
u must have a pretty darn scrict teacher, i was aloud to do an essay on smbu once :lol:

but i've also never removed like single words from a song to make it like no swearing, but im sure if its got some loops in it i could pull it off

you are one hell of a life-saver!
i would do it myself if i knew how the whole music and loops stuff works. :?

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