Does it offend you yeah?
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Author:  Neuburger [ Wed May 06, 2009 10:18 am ]
Post subject:  Does it offend you yeah?

Does It Offend You Yeah?'s guitarist Morgan Quaintance has quit the band to pursue a career with his other band Plugs.

Speaking to NME.COM, Quaintance explained his decision for leaving the outfit, saying he wanted to have more creative control - something which he felt he could do in Plugs rather than in Does It Offend You Yeah?.

"It [his time in Does It Offend You Yeah?] just came to a natural end really," he explained. "I think there was only so much I could sort of do in that outfit and I kind of wanted to do a bit more musically and creatively, and I think that the only way I could do that was in my own group."

Quaintance continued: "Plugs is my band and Does It Offend You Yeah? was never really my sort of band aesthetically. I didn't really have much choice, I just sort of had to go along with a lot of the stuff that was happening, whereas in Plugs it's like we write the music, we produce it, we do the artwork, we've directed our own video - it just like feels like a creative outlet for me more than Does It Offend You Yeah?."


Morgan Quaintance is the guy who helped Liam do Invaders Must Die (the track).

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