Do you get bored of a Genre?
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Author:  vaneesa [ Fri Mar 11, 2011 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Do you get bored of a Genre?

My music taste has changed dramatically over the last ten years or so as I have grown up, it is to be expected, it probably happens to us all at one stage or another but have you found a genre where you know you will listen to until the day you die? I for example don't think I will ever get bored of Metal. I can still see myself listening to Children of Bodom when I am 50 years old (I am now 27).

How do you think it changes with age? Do you think it is a social thing for example people almost see someone listening to Slipknot at my age to be quite odd, "shouldn't you have grown out of that by now?" people have said, well why would I? I still think it is good music and yet people still have that attitude. I also used to be a massive Indie fan and still enjoy people like Oasis, Blur, Embrace and Snow Patrol. Has you opinion of bands of genres changed as you have got older?

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Author:  ©@rm4g3dd0n [ Tue Mar 15, 2011 8:14 pm ]
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Previous generation always says this "you'll grow it out". you know why? cos they have their own generational music to be considered "normal" and "beautiful songs" etc. they make themselves believe that that particular music is really "the normal" and as soon as you'll reach a certain age in which you cannot be called (mentally) a kid anymore, you'll realize the same thing. what they forget is that it happened to them too. previous generation says praises for beatles (just to tell an example). but their previous generaiton said praises for another band, so it repeats itself all the time.

there is a (big) possibility that you'll say the same things to your kids (if you'll have any), only that by saying "in my time there were so great songs" you won't mean the beatles anymore, but prodigy for instance.

(and now let me state: it doesn't mean you can't like the beatles, nor does it mean that an older man can't like the prodigy. now I'm talking generally.)

as myself, I can't imagine any (of my) future without prodigy. i've went thru the same shits, when i was a small kid everyone said "you'll grow out this by the time you hit your teenage" (by "this" they meant the prodigy). when i was a teenager i still liked them and then everyone said i will grow it out around the end of my teenage. then they declared a new time for this prophecy: when I'll be an adult. and when i got adult, they finally (seemed to) realized that no... this man wont "grow it out". why? cos actually Ive "grown it out", due to the fact that listening out of space for instance is something we call "oldies". a song from a previous generation. that generation had been grown out, so as now we all can suck rihanna's stupid rnbs.

so actually the era had grown itself out. I stayed. now what I get is that "you listen to old music". this is it.

and let me mention, MAYBE it is also a social thing, but I find today's music to be quite shit. i mean all these "trendy" music industries, (new) house, (new) hardtechno, (new) rnb, etc. [i put "new" in front of each one, cos hardtechno existed 10 years ago too, only that compare two tracks and you'll know...] i think they're quite shit. maybe that's how people feel when they said "you'll grow it out". what i can promise is that if ill ever have a kid, ill never say this to him what-fuck-ever he'll listen to. only that i have a slight suspicion that everyone promises this...

Author:  Dims [ Wed Mar 16, 2011 4:55 pm ]
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I love epic Psy-breaks - never get bored of that....some Prodigy reminds of this genre

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