Mad Max remake
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Author:  SPECIAL FORCES [ Fri May 22, 2015 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Mad Max remake

Just came from the cinema. It is a good movie but defenately the reviews exaggerate. No character development and although it might sound weird....the action does not stop even for a min.Well it stops a couple of times but 80% you ll get a headache.It is like a remake of the 2nd Mad max.The old one is better.

*Charlize with that army haircut is hotter than the flames of hell.

Author:  Guest01 [ Sat May 23, 2015 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mad Max remake

A disagree with you, and agree with all reviews. Everything in this movie is just fantastic. It is movie of the year so far, and one of best movies in last 10 years.

Masterpiece 10/10

(and this is not remake)

Author:  Blacklabel [ Sun May 24, 2015 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mad Max remake

Not a remake, picks up after Beyond Thunderdome. (It was gonna star Mel Gibson prior to all his problems with alcohol and etc...)

One of the best (and most pure) action films ever made.
Better than Road Warrior and Terminator 2. Believe the hype.

"no character development" lol. All the lead characters have their story arcs and even minor characters like the "Dag" get tiny arcs amidst all the action. [young woman gets inspired into pursuing botanism by an old biker lady who is also really good with guns. Amaze. X) ]

Fucking relentless.. the film equivalent of a good Prodigy gig. :lol: 8-)

Author:  SPECIAL FORCES [ Sun May 24, 2015 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mad Max remake

How it is not a remake? Max from the 3rd film was older than Max on this one.He even has grey hair on thunderdome.
Might had been written for a sequel but since Mel could not deliver...

I did not say that it is not a good film.It is but there is no character developement.To be honest i cared more for Furiosa than Max.I hope the sequel will find the right balance.Action all the time does not mean better.

From an article: ''George Miller refuses to call the film either a sequel or a reboot. He just calls the film a "revisiting".''

So...i'm not sure too...i still think it is a reboot or remake.Tom is too young compared to Mel on thunderdome for this to be a sequel.

Author:  dirt [ Sun May 24, 2015 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mad Max remake

it definatly is not a remake as it has references to the other films in it one of them being the wind up music box toy

Author:  Harbinger [ Tue Nov 01, 2016 8:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mad Max remake

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