Predator sequel
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Author:  Plain_John [ Fri Aug 14, 2015 8:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Predator sequel

John Davis, producer of 1987′s original ‘Predator’ and still on board for the in-development revival of the franchise with writer-director Shane Black, has heaped praise on the ‘Iron Man 3′ filmmaker’s vision for the much-loved sci-fi action horror series.

full article here:

Author:  cyberbedouin [ Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Predator sequel

predator 1 and 2 are the best its like terminator 1 and 2, or Demolition Man, Universal solider 1,
nobody can overcome those movies...with f...reboots and remakes.

i would like to see new dimension of predators,
from where they are coming, how long they are traveling,
why they choose people and the earth for prime target...
i dont want to see ancient alien theories all over the place,
its boring and stupid...its how Prometheus ended up

Why SF movies today have to link to reality or biblical thing or conspiracies?

Nobody is questioning their selves why good film directors screw up,after they make good and believable movies...
-Are they in secret societies and they don't have time for their projects?
-All they do after they prove their talent and become famous is faking space missions and terrorist attacks?
-Or its the CGI that destroys the good idea or good story, computers are directing now?

I don't know what is happening, but i would be happy like little monkey if someone do good sequels to:
gremlins, predator, alien, terminator, universal solider, the truman show, they live...
...those movies are made for sequels

No one can remade better or close versions to those:
blade runner, the crow, total recall, 5th element(not joking, love this movie), demolition man...

Author:  Rickyoto [ Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Predator sequel ... 35835.html

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