Snakes on a plane B movie or laugh riot?
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Author:  Dirty Harry [ Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:48 am ]
Post subject:  Snakes on a plane B movie or laugh riot?

I went to see this movie(mostly cause i wanset paying) with my friends and seeing as no one was in the theater me and my friends laughed it up a good ole time but i look back on some of the older movies (cult classics) and they have a similarity what do you think?

Author:  ET [ Sat Sep 09, 2006 1:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

I havent saw this one yet....

Lot of ppl joking bt it.... but I suspect this to be one of the better movies of 2006. And that tells more bt the rest then bt Snakes on a Plane...

I will watch in theathre and will not be downloading it untill then =)

Author:  Rampage99 [ Sat Sep 09, 2006 7:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

The movie was horrible period. HORRIBLE. I snuck into another movie after just to warrant the $7 I spent to see a movie.

Author:  bongo [ Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

a movie is just a modality of relaxing youre mind!!!!
if you felt that efter watching it, than it was good!!!!!
if you had 2 snuk in 2 anotherone after it!, than it was surley bad.....
that's why you should only watch very popular films
just 2 be sure you'l like it and live it!!!!

p.s. i consider cube and hypercube being 2 very good conception's over life!!!! :apu: :apu: :apu: :apu: :apu: :apu: :apu:

Author:  Dirty Harry [ Sun Sep 10, 2006 5:08 am ]
Post subject: 

you know i watched a movie similer to thouse 2 and the concept was good but i felt the got a little misguided on the bigger picture over all i found them to be good the movie was called if i recall The Cube and it was a movie that put the 7 layers of hell into a perspective of a room within a cube that has infinate space an example: in one part a couple who lust for sex to much fnd them selfs within a part of a cube whre time is excelerated and y stayin here they age too fast cause them to weither and not be able to countinue. again it was misguided in the aproach to showing them the "error" f their ways but they had the right idea

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