Bioshock - The Movie???
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Author:  mexicanfan [ Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Bioshock - The Movie???

We first reported the rumor that a BioShock movie was in the works back in January. The game from 2K was one of 2007's most highly praised gaming releases receiving high scores from critics and selling like hotcakes upon its release in August. The immersive environment found under the depths in the city of Rapture does actually seem like a peculiarly perfect fit for Guillermo, who we all know is brilliant at imagining darker environments and intricate creatures (of which BioShock has both). However, let's not jump the gun. As much as Guillermo actually does love BioShock, he's not too keen on the movie.

"I love BIOSHOCK from a design point of view," says del Toro. "But Unless its a HELLBOY sequel I am not that eager to engage in another action-oriented movie. Even if the other elements are right. BUT… if I found the right pitch on the material, who knows - the BIOSHOCK universe is indeed wonderful."


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