no Sucker Punch thread?
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Author:  MaxReal [ Sun Jan 16, 2011 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  no Sucker Punch thread?

Cant belive no one hear about it yet. It should be the greatest 2011 movie. Coming out this march so lest start countdown.

See trailer below.

Emily Browning is just so beatiful, and outstanding.

Author:  kdjdjdhdfjhsdfhks [ Tue May 10, 2011 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: no Sucker Punch thread?

I am surpised as well...the movie is just awesome...All a guy can wish for is incorporated there...

Author:  MaxReal [ Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:29 am ]
Post subject: 

I just watched Sucker Punch on Blu ray, and definetly its one of the best visual experience i ever had. Good story, a lot of beatiful ladies (emily browning is so sweet), Zach Snyder for president, i'm almost sure his "man of steel" will be great.

Author:  raggedflag [ Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Another similar story is Hanna with Chemical Brothers soundtrack, recommended. Not as visual but overall a good movie.

As for Sucker Punch, totally missed that it came out on the net in good quality, going to watch right about now.

Author:  MoozeBlaster [ Sun Jun 26, 2011 1:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

I liked Hanna. But suckerpunch look horrible. i dont think i will ever watch it.

Author:  raggedflag [ Sun Jun 26, 2011 3:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

The movie is total crap, maybe I am too old (30) but I am off watching Tree Of Life instead. Usually, there are no threads about suchu movies on this particular forum :)

Author:  MaxReal [ Sun Jun 26, 2011 8:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

raggedflag wrote:
Another similar story is Hanna with Chemical Brothers soundtrack, recommended. Not as visual but overall a good movie.

As for Sucker Punch, totally missed that it came out on the net in good quality, going to watch right about now.

Are you kidding me? Hanna is about little girl who became a spy and murderer. Sucker Punch is about girl who is prisoner in a facility for mentally ill people, and she is running from realiity into her dreams, where she can do anything.
Do you have Samurai with minigun, or Dragon on Word War in Hanna? Zack Snyder did a great movie, with great visuals, and a twisted story, i didnt watch Hanna yet, and i'm going to, but as far as i know Sucker Punch is a way more different than Hanna. Watch to see for yourself, but if you consider the story is a crap, then you'll have a great visuals, and a lot of stunning babes to watch:)

Author:  *PinHead* [ Mon Jun 27, 2011 6:49 am ]
Post subject: 

hanna was a letdown.sucker punch had a lousy ending.but great action sequences

Author:  Agent Orange [ Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:42 am ]
Post subject: 

The problems I had with Sucker Punch;

- the contents of SuckerPunch made me go 'that can't POSSIBLY go wrong'
- the trailer showed loads of good stuff, which made the anticipation even bigger; how could this fail? Action, nice style, some chicks, the trailer kinda showed there's a storyline and brutal stuff going on.

Then I watched it;

- Intro, in which Baby Doll is sent to prison. Way to fast, no character development. I see no reason to be sorry for her, and just giving her semi-crying puppy eyes ain't gonna change SHIT.

- Then, in a dream, she learns some lowsy martial arts (you can just SEE she didn't have proper lessons - And I'm not even a martial arts fan or specialist whatever).
- All the way through the movie there's like awkward dialogues with the girls, most of the time someone or most of them are crying and just acting queer.
- The action sequences are awesome, sure, but it's so different from the main storyline that I'm not sure if it is logical or just a way to make the movie 'look cooler'.
- The acting fails on different levels. Stupid accents and awkward emotional moments don't do the story justice.

I expected a clever story, with clever writing. To me, this movie is just waste of time... 'cause I didn't know what I was watching it for. The chicks are surely hot, but they don't really convince me. Maybe this is part reason why a large part of the original cast walked away. Empty characters with a sexy dresscode crying their way through the movie.

The movie didn't feel bad-ass to me at all, because most of the key scenes, in which a story could be developed, they decided to add cheesy band music in the scenes... in a terrible way. Most of those times the scenes actually felt like a Craig David or Mariah Carey music video. And the cover of Tomorrow never knows is fucking terrible. A disgrace. :lol:

This all said, I really enjoyed the giant warrior fight scene... Baby Doll was terrible, but oh my... those giant warrior's gave me this pure feeling of awesomeness, until they were pwnd by a rookie. Then I laughed again, and not because it was funny.

Verdict; Watch it once, and never watch it again unless your left hand needs some practice. 2/5

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