Mission Imposible 4. Tom Cruise Stunt video
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Author:  MaxReal [ Mon Nov 21, 2011 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Mission Imposible 4. Tom Cruise Stunt video

4th part of MI is coming out this december. I'm think it will be a good action movie, so check this video out. Im very impress that Tom is doing this scene without green screen.

So are u waiting for another part of franchise?, maybe you hate all those movies? or u just a fan of first brian de palma movie, and hate the rest of them? what's your opinion?

Author:  the spitfire [ Tue Nov 22, 2011 8:27 am ]
Post subject: 

This should be a good one! :thumbsup: Judging from the featurette above Tom Cruise is just plain fearless. I knew he dangled up there while filming but I had no idea that what he did was that crazy! :shock: :shock:

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