I took the liberty of watching it last night....well, it was quite crap to be honest. I wanted to watch it purely out of curiousity to see what the masses are paying attention too, but it's as dissapointing as always..... (post 98-99 anyway).
Cannot stand Fern Cotton, utter bimbo, clueless and speaks like she's just graduated Key Stage 1; though, if she played her cards right, I wouldn't kick out of bed!
As always, they sensationalised British pop culture in the news, again, claiming its thrown in world music, but somehow I was left a little empty knowing that there's too much shite that people listen to today and whatever shite it is, they think it's the best thing since sliced bread.
This new [and ever evolving] music culture has slowly emerged into a new soft-punk and emo blanket that I happen to believe is lame, weak and has little substance for any true talismanship in the music industry.
Take, for example, the Ting Tings....now, before I subject myself to any harsh retaliation here, I thought their live performance was OK, but it must be said, no wonder all the youth are finding it hard to resonate with up and coming bands these days.....their image, their purpose, it's all jiggedy-pokery fashioned and completely condusive to teenagers with style and identity issues. OK, perhaps the hallmark of most new groups lies on the same path, but come on. Where did the ballsey british (AND international) groups that stomped their way into the scene go???
Jesus, I really must be bored!