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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 1:32 am
User avatarProdigious ArabPosts: 4204Location: The Dark SideJoined: Sun Sep 03, 2006 5:22 pm
There's something that doesnt convince me about this whole thing. Another hollywood production by the American goverment. They could atleast show his real pictures to prove to the whole world. Today, two UN investigators demanded more evidence and details about the whole thing. When they caught Saddam the whole world saw him being executed, they could atleast show one picture. You dont break into the ''most wanted man in the world'' house and just kill him like that, IMO they should have caught him and brought him to justice. Call me crazy but ive always had a feeling that this whole Qaeda bullshit is made up, how does it take ten years to catch the most wanted terrorist of all time in a poor third world country like Afghanistan and Pakistan? especially when the people who are chasing him have the best capabilities in the world.

Breathe! If you believe, everything under the sun it was born to be free!
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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 7:39 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 4138Location: kiev, ukraineJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:17 pm
everything's going according to plan...

behind you... seriously... look behind you
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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 2:43 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3847Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm
Yeah, me and my girlfriend were a little disturbed by the people running thru the streets singing and dancing like it was Mardi Gras. I understand people were happy about the news of Osama's death, I'm not gonna deny he is a horrible person, but to go out into the streets doing the jig just like the extremists that celebrated the World Trade Center attacks is kinda hypocritical. I hope people don't look at the US's celebration and think everyone here is like that. As matter of fact, the way we went about this has actually divided this country.

I understand 3,000 people were killed on 9-11, it was a truly sad and tragic time... but over 100,000 innocent civilians have died from our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and we just go about out business. Where's their holiday?

There's Americans here who truly want to see America become the shining beacon it was betrayed to be to us in history books. We've come a long way from those days, but then again, were we ever really there in the first place? Some have become disheartened by the way our government is acting throughout this war of terrorism, which is also a war against it's own citizens. What's scary is that they make us out to be the unpatriotic/crazy ones. Scary, right?

It's the government/media's own fault there are conspiracy theories in the first place. Either the government is giving the wrong info purposely to cause more infighting or the media just jump the gun and spread a story before fact checking. I dunno which is worse. First news, Osama fired back, pulled his wife in front of him, there was firefight, he was shot twice in the head. Now we find out that all of those are false. But since America is a "what's in the headlines" nation, folks miss the retractions and will still fight til they're blue in the face that Osama was a douche who used his wife as a human shield. Is this confusion created on purpose? Everyday Americans will fight with each other over the details rather then focus on the real issues. You can say the same for 9-11.

I'm an Obama supporter... even though I've been a little let down with some of his decisions.

I'm not a birther... I don't understand the hatred to have a foreign president. Even if it was true, if he can run the country good, then by all means do it my friend. I don't care where you are from. Just help us get out this mess.

I'm not a "9-11 is an inside job" guy... we're just not given 100% accurate facts, which in turn leads to us to come up with crazy stories. I believe our government had knowledge of what would occur, allowed it to happen, and used it for their own political gain. History has shown this wasn't the first time we suckered the American people into going along with government interests. I do believe there's evidence of explosives inside the buildings though. And no, I do not think that the government put them there. What I do believe is that there was such a lapse in security that a foreign enemy was able to get explosives in the buildings... and our government is NOT gonna tell us that.

"Hey folks, remember all that money you gave us for defense? Yeah, well, funny story, even with all our preparedness we let these people slip in and rig entire buildings to explode on top of being able to get thru and hijack airliners and fly 'em into it."

There not gonna tell the American people a story like that.

Over 13 million people out of a job in this country...

in the long run, more Americans will die as a result of their own government's actions than Osama ever dreamed of.

Just a little perspective in these silly times we live in.

And everyone's all excited we caught the guy...
but look at what it took to get to this point. Trillions in debt, 100s of 1,000s dead, entire world economy collapsing...

hope it was all worth it.

I never supported any of the wars.

I support our troops 100% and they should be welcomed back as heroes.
They deserve it after what they have been put through due to false evidence and crappy intelligence. They did what they can do with a shitty situation.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 3:12 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3847Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm
Sorry for going on such a long rant...
it's just as soon as I say I'm against the way people reacted to Osama's death, people automatically try to lump me in as a crazy birther, anti-government, Truther or something. Labels are such bullshit.

I love watching shows like Bill Maher, John Stewert, and Stephen Colbert... but even they are doing hardcore damage control and writing off conspiracy theorists. I understand, there are some really INSANE theories out there. But to lump them together and write them all off is just ignorant. Just watch, this is the next step. The thorn in the side of the establishment. We're gonna move from foreign terrorists to domestic terrorists. And anyone that questions the final story will be lumped in with them as a crazy. You can already see the change in tone within the media since the announcement of Osama's death.

Obama couldn't win over those with his birth certificate, so he had to pull out the big guns to win over America. And this is what it comes down to for the American people to accept him as their president. Hell, for some, even this wasn't enough.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2011 3:47 pm
NEOREV agree with you. some people are just blind and accept the so called truth without thinking for themselves whats right and whats wrong.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 8:32 am
User avatarMajestic 13Posts: 2640Location: RussiaJoined: Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:52 pm
osama was killed a long time ago..or still alive...
and hitler didn't commit suicide

The Fucking Voodoo
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 8:49 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 1306Location: RomâniaJoined: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:58 am
osama was killed a long time ago..or still alive...
and hitler didn't commit suicide

elvis lives

Love, Peace and Drum Beats.
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 1:59 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 6542Joined: Sun Oct 14, 2007 9:44 am
Breakz iz ded


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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 4:40 pm
User avatarA.K.A. feelxPosts: 3059Location: Montréal, QCJoined: Sun Jul 15, 2007 11:32 pm
Plain_John wrote:
osama was killed a long time ago..or still alive...
and hitler didn't commit suicide

elvis lives

JFK hides in Cuba w/ Lincoln

Fuck you and your heart attack
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 5:34 pm
User avatarGruntGruntPosts: 64Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 11:36 pm
I just wanted to add quick reply...this guy NEOREV has interesting opinion...I think the main question would be here for all of us which religion allows to kill a man (doesn't mean if it's guilty or not for his crimes) ?

There is no such religion, the people are good or bad, or ugly no matter where they live...heh (this wan't a racist comment of course.)

but if we go doesn't matter if You don't have a religion or political views, what should matter the most is if deep down in every of us exist pride, honor, character, and few other things...just a few...

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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 7:08 pm
User avatarLieutenantLieutenantPosts: 511Location: New York CityJoined: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:43 pm
Neo, I'd like to add to your points. All well put, but I do want to add that we really didn't celebrate that much? I'd go on a limb to say maybe 10k people were out celebrating, and that's a big number. But people were happy! You have to understand and accept that there is a fine line here, because after 9/11 there were shots of Paki's and other Arab nations dancing in the streets and burning our flag. Yes, Iraq was useless, but based on horrible data, they thought there was significant proof for terror activities in there. To this date the war is useless but we fucked them up, we can't just pull out that easily. Afghanistan however had it coming, they are an al Qaeda playground.

I'd also like to add that the unemployment number you gave is far too high. We're at about 3 million unemployed today, and the USA also calculates teenagers who are not working, which is 24% so that throws our numbers out of wack.

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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 7:11 pm
User avatarLieutenantLieutenantPosts: 511Location: New York CityJoined: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:43 pm
Nuno wrote:
StasZ wrote:
Yes I'm 100% behind America and president Obama (that includes justifying) , and I don't even care if it would all be a conspiracy , saying it never happened . :)

All I know is that this news makes me feel good :)
Because terrorists deserve to die , believe me ;)

ah ok, the world is gonna end blind then.

With the current uprisings of people, I beleive they're actually starting to see clearly. Dictatorships never last long, history has proven it, and current trends are proving it.

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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 8:25 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3303Location: DoglandJoined: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:49 pm
Dictatorships never last long?

:lol: they last for freakin decades with the full suport of the u.s.until other needs apear so they sacrifice the play ball with the u.s. you stay in power,you start to act up,revolutions and military invasions start to happen

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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 9:35 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3847Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm
my name's Mike
Neorev is my musical alias

I understand people were happy that we got Osama... I have no problem with that. But there's a way to go about it. All the news showed were young college looking kids jumping up and down in the streets like it was a keg party. I even remember Geraldo Rivera saying on tv how they were complaining they had an exam the next day and Geraldo called out the teacher on live tv to postpone the test. Really? This is the "most important historical moment" and you're bitching about a pointless college exam?

Plus, the fact that the crowd celebrating were mostly young kids is even more disheartening. It felt people were more there for the photo op and their Facebook/Twitter update than actually thinking about what they are truly celebrating. "Oh, man it's a Sunday and we got school tomorrow. Boo-hoo. Oh wait, Osama's dead, it gives us a reason to go out and party and get trashed."

I can already imagine the mass text message: "Os@m@ ded! Parrrrty in da streetz y'all! USA bitchaz!" "

This whole Osama celebration really makes me feel this country is still the same as it was 10 years ago. We have not changed one bit. We're back to being the scared, fly off the cuff, shoot first, ask questions later sheep we were after 9-11. After all these mistakes, the war, the economy, foreign relations... have we not learned anything? The simple fact of our presence and murdering of innocent civilians is the exact fuel terriorists need to create more terrorists. To me and those around me, it looked like we were shouting "Gotcha terrorists! Come on, attack us, we dare ya!" That's all we needed is something to give us the impression that we can act even more like assholes with our US bravado.

As for unemployment numbers, here's where I got my info:

The number of unemployed persons, at 13.7 million, changed little in April. The unemployment rate edged up from 8.8 to 9.0 percent over the month but was 0.8 percentage point lower than in November. The labor force also was little changed in April. ... yment-rate

And as horrible as the way terrorists go about making their points, we're only in this mess because we are fighting an enemy who believes just as much as us that they are fighting for what they believe to be right. Hell, America has found its perfect match. An enemy that's just as religious as itself. That's the real problem. We finally met an enemy that uses the same nonsense to go over and murder innocent people.

What if Iraq finally said "Fuck it" and sent a team over to assassinate Bush for helping murder a 100,000 of it's own civilians? Some would call it justified, but even I would still be like "Who the fuck are you to just come over here and assassinate an individual?" Is enough evidence to go after Bush and co for their war crimes? Uh, yeah! But was he ever really tried for it? No. Same thing with Osama... people believe there was enough evidence to assassinate him. But was he ever officially connected with 9-11? No.

As a matter of fact, look at this...

Please click on Osama/Usama's pic and read his bio...
For the mastermind of one of the most deadliest and historical attacks (some compare it to Pearl Harbor that got us into WW2) on US soil, why no mention of his ties to the WTC attacks? It was much more significant than his embassy bombings, why no mention? Because there was never enough evidence to tie him to 9-11. Yet, we still went over, crossed a nation's border without consent, and assassinated him without any trial or hearing. Apparently, the US is all about rules and doing the right thing, but then we go against everything we base ourselves on to do the complete opposite.

Has anyone watched the movie titled: "Zeitgeist"??

It starts off a little new agey. But it raises good points about what is holding us back.

It's actually separated into 3 parts:
-Religion (all stories about a culture's God figure throughout history have all been based on one single story from Egypt, which was just a story based on the movements of the Sun compared to earth. Each different version of God have had the same characteristics. Bill Maher's "Religulous" actually touches on this subject.)

-War (every major war the US has been involved in have been on false events to lead us into going along with it. This discusses the false stories made up to get us into WW1 & 2, Vietnam, and 9-11)

-Greed (mostly about the Federal Reserve and how it's set up so we can never repay our debts without accruing interest. Actually, any time our government asks for money to be printed, we actually owe more in return to the Fed due to their percentage cut.

This movie was really eye opening for me and can't help but take in the overwhelming amount of evidence that we are being lied and manipulated into going along with our government's interests.

We're a nation...
-who doesn't want universal healthcare for it's people
-the racial divide is more present than ever
-people associated with political parties hate each other (hell I got Yankee fans who will beat to death a Mets fan and vice versa when both teams are from New York)
-people don't even want Gay people to marry
-people think Obama is Muslim and/or CIA agent
-allow big business to rape and destroy the Earth

...but then we kill one person and act like we are all best friends and in this together. To me, we look like hypocrites. I know it's bleak and gloomy, but that doesn't change the fact that it is true.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2011 10:57 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3303Location: DoglandJoined: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:49 pm
imagine if the us had never went to the more international terrorism done by religious fanatics

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