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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:37 am
User avatarGruntGruntPosts: 31Joined: Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:14 pm
It is the good thread to make your fellow users angry because of your bad taste.
OK, so let's start:
"The Fat of The Land" is full of good tracks, which didn't make it great album at all.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 8:43 am
GeneralGeneralPosts: 1769Joined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:09 am
IMD marked the end of The Prodigy, not a new beginning

Granted, AONO was a bit half-baked when we got it (the "improved" versions of some tracks that came dripping during the year that followed attests to that), but it was new and different just like all 3 albums that came before it. Not just a new sound to The Prodigy, but something that genuinely sounded different from anything anyone had heard before. I loved that, because I like to hear new music and not the sound of the past.

IMD does not sound like one of the previous albums either, but the sound was in no ways a revolution of any kind. It sounded a bit dated and mundane. Roughly a rehash of old rave/prodigy sounds mixed with some Pendulum synth sounds and lyrics. TDIME changed little to the formula and NT sounds like a seamless continuation to TDIME. Compared to the big leaps and innovations in sound made by every album before IMD, the last three albums have been tiny steps. In one way it means that The Prodigy now has consolidated what The Prodigy sound is really like, and to the fans who like this style it is of course amazing to get a refil of their favourite brew.

One thing is that the sound does not evolve as much as it used to, the other thing of course is whether or not you like what the sound has ended up like. There is one single but major detail that I think completely ruins the last three albums, and that thing is awful lyrics. In my opinion a goofy/funny sounding sample is one thing, and a grown-up man in a "rave" band for whom "the writing's on the wall, it wont go away" is the best lyrics he can come up with for a Prodigy track and two other grown-up men agreeing - is a whole different story. "Gotta face your fears in the wild frontier", "Too close to the wire", "Radiate - ten (or to?) thousand degrees", "Drive straight through the road blocks let me see your tires hot", etc etc etc, theres a whole lot of it. One can laugh at the Charly sample for instance, but the lyrics above are clearly not for laughs (unless they have enough self-irony to do it as a parody). I am not saying that there are no examples of bad lyrics in the past, its just that there is so much of it now. Aiming for a sound that is punk/rave/the bomb/pure fire and then having that kind of lyrics is very strange to me.

It would in my opinion have been much better if Liam had kept the two others out of the studio and done his thing - and then teamed up for the concerts. I respect that they have gone their own way and done exactly what they all want, i dont have to like the new music. It just feels like a devolution and I think Liam had at least one more revolution in sound left in him. There are ocasional instrumental tracks on the three latest albums that i enjoyed, but after ten or so listens they all tasted like yesterdays lunch. There has hardly been anything that knocked anyone but prodigy fans out of their chairs, for better or worse.

I agree "greyson". Amazing tracks for sure, some of the very best, but when listening from beginning to end FOTL does not have the best flow.

Last edited by s0ren on Mon Oct 29, 2018 5:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 10:15 am
User avatarPrivatePrivatePosts: 187Joined: Thu Dec 21, 2017 1:10 pm
IMD wasn't a great record. (thanks for the re-amp, Thunder and Warriors dance, tho!)

I didn't even buy TDIME despite liking its titular track. Everything else on that record failed to make an impact.

Fully on board with No Tourists so far. 3 strong tracks out of the 4 released so far. Don't even hate Need Some1...
I think we're headed for their best record in years... Their 4th best, maybe?... #optimistic

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 2:56 pm
User avatarSergeantSergeantPosts: 427Location: Tenerife (fan since 95)Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:53 am
s0ren wrote:
IMD marked the end of The Prodigy, not a new beginning

Granted, AONO was a bit half-baked when we got it (the "improved" versions of some tracks that came dripping during the year that followed attests to that), but it was new and different just like all 3 albums that came before it. Not just a new sound to The Prodigy, but something that genuinely sounded different from anything anyone had heard before. I loved that, because I like to hear new music and not the sound of the past.

IMD does not sound like one of the previous albums either, but the sound was in no ways a revolution of any kind. It sounded a bit dated and mundane. Roughly a rehash of old rave/prodigy sounds mixed with some Pendulum synth sounds and lyrics. TDIME changed little to the formula and NT sounds like a seamless continuation to TDIME. Compared to the big leaps and innovations in sound made by every album before IMD, the last three albums have been tiny steps. In one way it means that The Prodigy now has consolidated what The Prodigy sound is really like, and to the fans who like this style it is of course amazing to get a refil of their favourite brew.

One thing is that the sound does not evolve as much as it used to, the other thing of course is whether or not you like what the sound has ended up like. There is one single but major detail that I think completely ruins the last three albums, and that thing is awful lyrics. In my opinion a goofy/funny sounding sample is one thing, and a grown-up man in a "rave" band for whom "the writing's on the wall, it wont go away" is the best lyrics he can come up with for a Prodigy track and two other grown-up men agreeing - is a whole different story. "Gotta face your fears in the wild frontier", "Too close to the wire", "Radiate - ten (or to?) thousand degrees", "Drive straight through the road blocks let me see your tires hot", etc etc etc, theres a whole lot of it. One can laugh at the Charly sample for instance, but the lyrics above are clearly not for laughs (unless they have enough self-irony to do it as a parody). I am not saying that there are no examples of bad lyrics in the past, its just that there is so much of it now. Aiming for a sound that is punk/rave/the bomb/pure fire and then having that kind of lyrics is very strange to me.

It would in my opinion have been much better if Liam had kept the two others out of the studio and done his thing - and then teamed up for the concerts. I respect that they have gone their own way and done exactly what they all want, i dont have to like the new music. It just feels like a devolution and I think Liam had at least one more revolution in sound left in him. There are ocasional instrumental tracks on the three latest albums that i enjoyed, but after ten or so listens they all tasted like yesterdays lunch. There has hardly been anything that knocked anyone but prodigy fans out of their chairs, for better or worse.

Some poits are quite true I'm afraid. I'm really tired of Maxim and Keith's vocals. Who wrote this?

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:00 pm
User avatarLieutenantLieutenantPosts: 597Location: MontréalJoined: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:58 am
Stopped at "NT sounds like a seamless continuation to TDIME".


No point reading further, all credibility has been lost already.

Luckily, the day of your reckoning is coming soon.

Toodeloo. :P

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 29, 2018 11:50 pm
User avatarGruntGruntPosts: 31Joined: Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:14 pm
gcx wrote:
Stopped at "NT sounds like a seamless continuation to TDIME".


No point reading further, all credibility has been lost already.

Luckily, the day of your reckoning is coming soon.

Toodeloo. :P

Yeah, like Liam gave us so many fresh ideas in previous years. And all reviews had to be biased or smth.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 12:16 am
User avatarLieutenantLieutenantPosts: 597Location: MontréalJoined: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:58 am
My point is that saying something as clear cut as this without having heard the album is a blatant sign of biased negativism.

What if No Tourists came from an alternate universe where TFOTL never happened and Liam went back to his dad's place to write modern rave inspired music again?
To me that'd be fresh as fuck.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 1:29 am
User avatarGruntGruntPosts: 31Joined: Tue Jun 15, 2010 3:14 pm
IMD marked the end of The Prodigy, not a new beginning

I would go further. "Firestarter" and the enormously big success of this track (and "TFOTL" in general) convinced people that The Prodigy was actually a standard band and after that Liam had his hands tied - people expected Keith to fooling around. It is why we already have 3 exactly same albums one after the other - to make Flint useful as a band member.
Giving Keith a microphone was a mistake from artistic point of view.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 1:39 am
PrivatePrivatePosts: 121Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 12:25 pm
Absolutely,, Keith was always the 2nd best prodigy dancer unfortunately firestarter made him a frontman that he may not have wanted to be. Liam is still a visionary that got backed into a corner. Still the best band of the 90s

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 1:48 am
User avatarLieutenantLieutenantPosts: 597Location: MontréalJoined: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:58 am
Ok, fair point about Keith. So far, we have barely heard him on the first four tracks of No Tourists (apparenly he's on We Live Forever, but I can barely hear him).
This is exactly why I think No Tourists is a departure from TDIME, this has Liam written all over it like in the good old days.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 7:19 am
GeneralGeneralPosts: 1769Joined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 11:09 am
Im not sure if i unintentionally hurt your feelings or if you are just plain dumb, but you sure do have a childish way to react to opinions you do not agree with.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:15 am
User avatarLieutenantLieutenantPosts: 597Location: MontréalJoined: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:58 am
Yes, you might be on to something.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:18 am
User avatarSergeantSergeantPosts: 427Location: Tenerife (fan since 95)Joined: Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:53 am
greyson wrote:
IMD marked the end of The Prodigy, not a new beginning

I would go further. "Firestarter" and the enormously big success of this track (and "TFOTL" in general) convinced people that The Prodigy was actually a standard band and after that Liam had his hands tied - people expected Keith to fooling around. It is why we already have 3 exactly same albums one after the other - to make Flint useful as a band member.
Giving Keith a microphone was a mistake from artistic point of view.

YESSSSSS COME ON!!! At last someone has the courage to say that. Keith's contribution to Firestarter is legendary, that track and video are symbols of 90's music and the same can be said about Breathe. But artistically that changed them forever

I'd rather listen to Liam's studio productions such as Scienide, Narayan or, more recently, Medusa's Path or Shadow than more shit by Keith like Run With The Cocks, Nasty and Wall Of Turds.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 10:54 am
User avatarLieutenantLieutenantPosts: 597Location: MontréalJoined: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:58 am
Liam says that the lyrics are added for sonic value and not for their meaning. I think it works ok in some cases and in other cases it feels forced.
The vocals on the last couple of tracks fit pretty nicely, yes even the ten thousand degrees one imho. Much better than fuck you and your heart attack, no objection there.
This is Liam running out of cool samples, maybe they're too expensive nowadays, so he uses Keith and Maxim instead.
Here's to hoping that they don't overdo it on the rest of NT, but it's pretty great so far.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 30, 2018 2:35 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 2881Location: ESTJoined: Tue Jan 22, 2008 3:30 pm
whole point for them since IMD has been to make it and survive as a band.

It was Liams choice to do so. They felt stronger as a unit (again), no competion between main man and frontman any more. (FOTL saga). they wrote album as a BAND. and they started to enjoy performing more, since.
(he has said it many times)

since then they have deliver music to drive the moshpit. give fuel to energy mad serbians, russians.
HARD, MAD, AGRESSIVE music. mostly.

he is not there to experiment much anymore. he is writing music straight after gigs, with it's same MAD, AGRESSIVE energy. and vocal driven tracks (big, agressive, pointless lyrics) is what work ok live.

It's little bit of same formula over and over again.

Old school, rave era type of tracks, loud vocal agressive type of tracks, raggae vocal driven type of tracks ... little bit of influence from every member.

only way he will deliver something totally different is if they will quit performing and he publishes something. with guest performers. but it won't happen.

we are the bricks
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