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PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 2:50 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3847Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm

This right here is the man, I always liked this guy eventhough the media made him out as a joke because he admitted he thought he saw a UFO when he was younger and became a laughingstock of the democratic party. I always liked this guy. He was on Bill Maher and came off as a really down to earth for the people kinda guy. And I think we all know the people currently holding shop at the US Government have really done a number on America and it's Allies and third world nations.

It could all change right here...

So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 3:55 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3303Location: DoglandJoined: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:49 pm
fuck this doesn't matter what goverment or president is alected.america only cares about america, and nobody else.
they started wars, founded terrorists when they needed them, and now they are hunting them.they ruined entire countrys economies.and now because of their need for oil they started the iraq war, throwing themselves into economic recesion, and taking the whole world with them.
thank you america for fighting with terrorists and bringing democracy only in the countrys where there's oil, thank you for making the costs of food higher world wide, thank you for making mad arabic terrorists(just because you need theyr oil) and now they are atacking europe too(remember london and madrid).

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:19 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3847Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm
..and i completely agree with you. yes, the people of America have helped in allowing for these douchebags to take office and rip the world apart with votes. then again that is still highly debatable with the whole Bush vs Kerry voting fiasco. but there are Americans out there who are fighting for what's right and taking them down. I don't know how the U.S. is shown on news stations, but there is a split in this country, a great divide... between people who cover their ears and shut their eyes and think whatever the government does and says is right and then you have the other side who speak out against our government, but the people in power have brainwashed and diluted people's minds with the idea that if you speak up or ask any intelligent questions that may make the powers that be second guess themselves, you are not American, you're unpatriotic. and it's the people that speak up and fight for what's right that are the biggest patriots out there.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:10 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3303Location: DoglandJoined: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:49 pm
guess you're right, and my comment was a bit out of line.i shouldn't just insult you like that.
today i just saw a repot on cnn where it sayd that each americam family throws away 250 kilograms of food, because they buy to much of it and that the whole country spends 150 bilion dollars on fodd that they throw makes you think about the american way of life, and how people in africa die of hunger in milions.seen a report a couple months ago with newborn children who die because there is no food, and people fighting or getting together in groups to get a little piece of bread.
makes you think if the american way of life will ever change, and if this talk that of a different leader will actually change things in good.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 12:52 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3847Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm
well a change won't occur in the American way of life if Americans don't start doing something about it. I'm an American and I admit we have a lazy, let someone else deal with it attitude and it's a shame. changes will only occur if we actually elect officials who are leading that change and stop electing these war mongering, fear spreading, greedy, oil hungry, old white millionaire pricks. As sad as this sounds, I'm shocked a black president with the named Barack Obama has gone as far as he has in this country. Maybe... hopefully this is a sign that THE PEOPLE in America want a change. You have to remember that the government is using propaganda and disinformation to get backing for this war for oil. It's a sad time, yes there are countries worse off that are in need of help, but we couldn't even get food and water to our own people in New Orleans when Katrina hit. That is SAD, that's a disgrace. It took a WEEK to get supplies out there. It shows how we aren't prepared for anything, even after 9/11. And it shows you how these rich, out of touch with the times white government officials don't really care about an area mostly dominated by African American people. 9/11 and Katrina should have been a wake up call. And nothing that has been done since then has made anywhere safer. Instead we keep the war going and allows the hatred to build with these extremists.

But honestly these "terroists" did their job... to make a superpower go against all that it stands for and turn it on it's head.

Americans need to wake up and it's the people who need to join together and take action. This is our time. Will a change occur overnight? Not likely... but there are steps that need to be taken so we can head in the right direction.

Nothing you said offended me whatsoever because I agree with you. I'm not some "I'm American! This is how we are! Deal with it!" Far from it. But the government has branded people, such as myself, unpatriotic, un-American. I don't know how foreign news channels portray us, but this country has been divided. Media likes to tell it how they are suppose to tell it and I want the truth to come through. This is what is going on. Not all Americans are backing this war. Now the price of corn has risen because of this bullshit ethanol in gasoline, which takes an extra gallon of gas to produce it, which kinda negates the whole point of it. And now third world nations can't afford corn and are starving.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 2:47 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3303Location: DoglandJoined: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:49 pm
it should make you think if the 9/11 atacks were real or if they were secretely planed by the some faction of the goverment as an excuse to invade iraq and have easy acces to their oil.and now they started an war that fucked youre economy, and with it destroyed the world's stabil , economy, and food price.all that is happening right now in the world with the prices are a result of america's wars

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:40 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3847Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm
i wouldn't go as far as Bush and company going as far as planning the 9/11 attacks. he honestly isn't that great with plans as we can all obviously see. do i believe he was aware something in that magnitude will happen and let it slide to fit into his plans of securing oil, then yes. i can believe that.

does it make it any less wrong, no. so i guess you can say he helped carry it through by allowing it to be the catalyst for his own plans.

but we can sit around, bitch and moan and it's not gonna change anything. people need to join together in America and remove these douchebags from office.

all i was trying to show was that there are people in this country that are not stupid and see what is going on. This guy Dennis Kucinich was made a laughingstock because he said he saw a UFO. And that made him unqualified to the media. yet these murdering, oil hungry preachers of God don't care about a few hundred people dying.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:25 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3303Location: DoglandJoined: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:49 pm
i heard about the guy with the ufo.i watch jay leno.and it seems a lot of former astronauts admit that nasa knows and is hiding the truth about aliens.welcome to the x-files, or maybe the new fringe :lol: :lol: :lol:

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:19 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 2375Location: TexasJoined: Thu Aug 31, 2006 7:07 am
interesting comments all but i hear a lot of the same catch phrases that the media puts out in your comments

a couple points i would like to make and i speak as an american soldier who has spent 26 months in iraq...fighting and training with iraqi soldiers not sitting behind a desk

first-this war is not about oil neither was desert storm....we dont get shit from iraqi wells. the media makes it sound like we park our tankers offshore and fill them up and then bring it back to the u.s. to sell....they barely produce enough in a day to keep los angeles in gas for a day and what they do manage to get sold; the money goes back to iraq.

they have a lot of oil under the ground...estimates more than saudia arabia... but their infrastructure for production and moving the oil is fucked. the have old russian crap oil pumping stations and pipelines. iraqi oil is very corrosive right out of the ground and causes a lot of problems with equipment. the iraqi government does not have the proper maintenence program to ensure a steady flow of oil out of the country...not to mention sabotage or corruption.

if western oil companies were in iraq building new pumping stations and pipelines then iraq could be self sufficient in a couple years and theoretically enjoy a very high statndard of living similar to kuwait but that wont happen...its just their nature to worry about the here and now...tomorrow is a long way away

secondly...this wmd thing...the fact that "nothing was found" has been the fuel for a lot of the bush bashing about the war......they were in iraq but got moved prior to the invasion...saddam was evil but not stupid...he moved a lot of shit out of the country and we know this...why it hasnt come to light i do not know and cannot even hazard a guess...i know for a fact from personal observation that there were chemical weapons in iraq...again i dont know why this was never brought out...bit it doesnt matter-cant go into more detail than that

i dont believe any government needs to have full disclosure to its people...i belive that here needs to be checks and balances yes, but i dont think the guy that cant even find the u.s. on a world map needs to know what what our military plans are

people need to find a happy medium between the shit the media reports...and they have their own agenda and if you believe they report everything and truthfully then you are trully naive...and what the government puts out....remember there are at least 3 versions of the truth but only one of them is right

lastly i would rather be fighting these motherfuckers over there than here...and believe me with the amount of foreign fighters i have seen in iraq its a good thing...make no mistake, if these people were not distracted with the jihad in iraq there would be more in the u.s. and other western countries planning and executing terrorist acts...and you better believe they have people in the u.s. and other countries planning attacks...right now

if anything...we need to stomp the living shit out of iran, syria and yemen...i am not a warmonger but a good defense is a good offense and these countries provide most of the terrorist support and training for the islamic terrorists in the world

enough for now...awaiting the comments i am sure that will come

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:06 am
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 4138Location: kiev, ukraineJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 7:17 pm
bokorugro wrote:
first-this war is not about oil
but they have a lot of oil under the ground...estimates more than saudia arabia... but their infrastructure for production and moving the oil is fucked.
if western oil companies were in iraq building new pumping stations and pipelines then iraq could be self sufficient in a couple years

you've just given the reason why it was ALL about oil. even the bush administration has admitted it! you're in a very rapidly shrinking minority who still believe in that particular line.

strange coincidence that only american and british oil companies stand to make a profit from iraq's oil contracts dontcha think?
'to the victor belong the spoils'

bokorugro wrote:
secondly...this wmd thing...the fact that "nothing was found" has been the fuel for a lot of the bush bashing about the war......

ummm.. actually the constant stream of half truths and downright lies in order to justify the war is what pissed a lot of people off.

the '40 minutes' til missiles could hit london, the 'yellow cake', the 'converted trucks' that never were, the 'tonnes' of chemical weapons, the 'mission accomplished' speech, 'spreading democracy, war on terror, 'etc....

all a pile of crap, as we all well know.

bokorugro wrote:
if anything...we need to stomp the living shit out of iran, syria and yemen...i am not a warmonger but a good defense is a good offense and these countries provide most of the terrorist support and training for the islamic terrorists in the world

this is the typical american warmongering statement that everyone in the world finds amusing.
"we're going to free the shit out of you!"

small point - iran is a shiite country that backs groups like hamas, who are engaged in combating illegal israeli expansion.

saudi arabia is a sunni country that supports al qaida affiliated groups. if my memory serves, 9/11 was saudi backed and organised. why didn't america do anything to them?
oh, yeah, because of the oil....

behind you... seriously... look behind you
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:27 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 1306Location: RomâniaJoined: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:58 am
yemen? now what the fuck is wrong with them? better yet let's just attack the whole arabic peninsula! make sure no one will plan any terrorist attacks. if americans will open another war front their economy will be fucked for sure.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 6:56 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3847Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm
well, the thing missing from this post is hard facts and here it goes...

i watched the coverage of the judicial hearing on C-SPAN last night about executive power and the Bush Administration and the point of the presentation is to show evidence that the Congress should LOOK into the facts and evidence and if it adds up, then we should impeach.

A representative showed TWO, yes TWO briefings gathered from information gathered from 16 different intelligence agencies all over the world. the original sent to BUSH and the revised sent to CONGRESS. in the original sent to Bush and his administration, the document said "we think," "we judge," "we assume," that Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. That is the exact wording of the original document. and in this original document were what they call "dissonants." kind of like a question and answer, FYI section. and it clearly states that even if there was the slightest hint that Saddam did have these weapons, he was NO THREAT to America, our governtment, nor our people.

remember i said TWO briefings... now the "same" document giving to Congress to decide on whether we go to war or not removed. this one had the "We thinks," "we assumes," "we judges" and replaced them with "SADDAM HAS WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION" and the dissonants stating we have nothing to fear from it even if he did were REMOVED.

THEN it was giving to Congress to decide. the representative had BOTH the original and the revised, in his hands and showed it to the panel. in which he was almost silenced by the house chairman because the representative was showing so-called "CLASSFIED" info, which in the end wasn't true. They tried to shut him up from speaking further when he wanted to go on to make a point. The original document had long since been declassified.

Now the changing of official documents to suit the need of BUSH to go to war to me is a criminal offense, am I wrong?

At one point in the hearing they had to stop because "witnesses" which are really just regular people who get to sit and watch the proceedings apparently had signs and shirts that were Anti-Bush or something. they stopped the whole thing and to forcefully remove them. But you could things like "This is a shame" and "This whole was is a disgrace" and "Our soldiers are dying." It was pretty intense and i'm glad regular people had the balls to say something.

The republican anti-impeachment guys were a bunch of douchebags. Half the time you can see not even listening and talking to other people, making jokes and comments, and even got up and left. There was representatives that didn't stay and had to leave, which I find deeply disturbing.

Here we are, the one thing on all Americans' minds that should have our Congress's full attention, an important day in history i believe, and people are not staying for the hearing.

We're in a sad state people.

There was no real converage of this event in the meda, most people I talked to didn't even know it was happening, but when they did said "hell yeah!" but you still got that sad few that refuse to see the truth.

you have these brainwashed "let's stomp them" and "we'll free them all" U.S. soldiers who are for Bush and his actions. meanwhile the stories of soldiers swallowing objects to hurt themselves or hiring people to hurt them so they don't have to go back to a pointless war gets swept under the carpet. Not even front page. No Americans care about A-Rod and Madonna fucking. The people of America need to wake the fuck up and take action before it's too late. Speak up and be heard. And don't this country go down the shitter and take others with it.

They use terms like "you don't support our troops" and "you not patriotic" to try and bring us down. The troops did their jobs, bring them home, welcome them has heroes and they did their mission and end this war.

Former administration officials have stated the war on terror is a lie and made up. This was about a regime change, this was about order. get rid of the leaders who hate Israel and put in our own guys we can use for our advantage.

Please check, youtube, where ever you can for the impeachment coverage. This needs to be seen and heard.

P.S. You know how this war is not for oil, well guess what... that oil in Iraq is now being pumped by the U.S. thru the pipeline thru to Jordan and guess where it's ending up... ISRAEL, our greatest ally. kind of a coincidence huh? oh and now they want to move troops to Afghanistan which should have been our focus in the first place. Oh and war with Iran too.

So I ask you this question...
Al-Quaida and Osama Bin Laden, who are from Afghanistan, plotted the 9/11 attacks, which was mainly carried out by Saudi Arabians, and who is now being hidden in Pakistan, and we go to war with IRAQ?

Does this make any sense to ANYONE?


thank you.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 7:30 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3303Location: DoglandJoined: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:49 pm
do you actually think you'll ever hear the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth on matter how many investigations on the secret services or public hearings there will always be things kept secret.let's face it america's economy is based on oil, if the oil is gone, america is fucked.that being said america will forever do everything in it's power to get as much oil as posible, and as cheapest as it can doesn't matter the political side of the politicians, or the kind of person a president is.they all have the same objective keep america in front of everybody else at al costs, anm make alot of money in the process.
and as a last thing: really strange that a country with such a powerful inteliggence comunity and a strong military can't find osama bin laden in a fucked up country like iraq.maybe because if they'd catch him, the so called ,,war on terror'' must end, and that wouldn't go well to all the people who are selling military equipment to the army for iraq, or the oil companies who get the oil cheaper from iraq

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 10:52 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 3847Location: USAJoined: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:56 pm
i'm glad to see more people are discussing this. this topic was mainly to show to the outside world, not all Americans are Pro-War, self-centered, oil grubbing bastards... most are, but there are still some who know what's right.

oh yeah, didn't get chance to reply to the Edgar Mitchell alien radio comments, pretty crazy, this guys is gonna get ripped to shreds. but if it's true, awesome.

So, I've decided to take my work back underground, to stop it falling into the wrong hands.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 26, 2008 11:12 pm
User avatarGeneralGeneralPosts: 2744Location: ItalyJoined: Thu Aug 24, 2006 11:58 pm
me don't want to be rude but wanted to reply with a joke:

Random forrest from France they say there's a bear. So the police is asked to find the animal. A week later they surrend, there is no bear.

Some say there's a bear in this forrest in california. LAPD is aked to find the animal. A week later at the press conference LAPD with the trophy:
a beaten rabbit yelling 'okay okay I'm a bear!'

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