Beyond All Reasonable Doubt
Copasetik Recordings
01. 03:27 Bright lights
02. 04:01 Amazing
03. 04:59 What U need
04. 06:04 Inside out
05. 04:26 Cheaper than stolen goods
06. 01:55 Get real
07. 02:39 Flipside
08. 01:59 Sir Grinalot
09. 05:39 Break the chains
10. 04:20 Another year
11. 01:27 When I get famous
12. 06:31 Take me home
13. 04:16 Twisted Lee Scratch Perry Mix
14. 02:24 Matchsticks
Flightcrank is Leeroy Thornhill and this is his first album since leaving The Prodigy just over a year ago. 'Beyond All Reasonable Doubt' seems to lay its stylistic cards on the table from the off. 'Bright Lights' is a strong tune ably sung; there can be no doubt Thornhill has got a voice, a smooth rootsy folky tone, even if, at the present time it's a tad weak and underdeveloped. The music, meanwhile, is crisp, synthetic digi-dub, the plastic sounds all minorly awkward and doom-laden, the beats and bass spidery but heavy. 'Amazing''s perky lyrics jar with its heavier beats. 'What U Need''s dirty, crunchy bass sound fails to be as creepy as its lyrics. The comparison is inevitable - a chilled-out, dubbier Prodigy who've yet to get to grips with their studio.
Then, with 'Get Real', Thornhill goes jingly. And indeed folksomely jangly - a guitar comes out and Thornhill all but auditions to join Semisonic. 'Flipside' weighs in with a harmonica solo. Then there's an witty, acerbic me-and-my guitar retort to a spurning lover. Thornhill is blatantly more relaxed and consequently this half of the album is far more enjoyable. The highlight, though, a remix by Lee 'Scratch' Perry, all organic boom still shows up the thinness of Thornhill's studio efforts.
So, forget the angsty, gloomy first half, not to mention the dodgily aggressive sleeve art (an electric chair - surely an image hangover from Thornhill's Prodigy days) and watch out for this new folk roots star-to-be.
Robert Heller, PlayLouder [reviewed on 20.mar.01 ]
Just got a hold of Flightcrank's Beyond All Reasonable Doubt LP, and I must
say, I much prefered it to Maxim's album. More original work, and fits into
its own genre, instead of trying to adopt standard ones, or collaborating
with people for the whole time. While some of the tracks use simple loops
(What U Need), most of the album holds out - plus he can sing quite well!
IN MY OPINION (dont get this confused) I think Leeroy holds far more talent
as an artist than Maxim. Maybe it's the Braintree vibe (but this doesnt
explain Keith), but Leeroy seems like a jack of all trades (dancer, musician
now, singer, potentially actor, as he is on some TV shows)"
:: SP ::
"I hate to say it, but I think Flightcrank stinks. There are occasional
glimpses of talent, but he goes and ruins it all by trying too hard to
distance himself from the Prodigy. And those guitar tracks? I'm guessing he
played them himself and didn't pay a session marks for effort
but he doesn't pull it off.
Maxim isn't as original as he thinks he is but I love his album. It's a nice
twist on what he does with the Prodigy; it still has that vibe but just
sounds...I dunno, different.
Now all we need is Keith's solo album *ahem*."
:: Richard Worrall ::
I think What U Need is the best track on the album. But I liked Maxim's
a lot more. The Maxim remix of What U Need is nice, much better than the
one. __IMHO My Web and Killing Culture by Maxim are great tracks.
country / guitar stuff is just boring, but thats just my opinion."
Poisoner ::
