Born date: March 27, 1969
He’s a dancer (a very good one), he has only recently taken up ”singing” on some of the Prodigy tracks (although he can’t sing, his voice has a superb tone).
He’s a motorbike fan. He announced in the summer of 1998 that he’d be competing among professional racers. His first motorcycle competition was in October 1998, in which he came in 3rd (he was riding at speeds up to 160mph).
He loves danger – already when he was little, he used to play with plugs – seeing how far he’d dare to push the plug in and touch the terminal on the other end (he never got a shock)... Even in racing, he loves dangerous situations (”Every now and then you have something that’s a near-death situation. I used to enjoy crashing as much as riding.” – Keith)
His grades in school were terrible, and he has no skills – so the Prodigy have helped him a lot to find what he can and want to do. As he said it, he literally walked out of the crowd to be a dancer in the band, instead of filling in some kind of application form...
His somewhat unusual appearance, coupled with his antics in the Firestarter video, have made Keith every parent's nightmare. One particular parent, in a letter to the BBC complaining about that video, have called him "a man in need of urgent medical attention".
When he was young: according to what his ex-schoolmates said, he was very quiet (”He was really a lovely fella, really quiet. I got the shock of my life when I saw him all these years later”), and liked animals and fishing. (”One day on the way home from school he found a sick hedgehog. Keith tried nursing it back to health but it died. He was gutted.”)
He too hates the Internet. To quote him: ”Fuck the Internet!” ”Just cos Liam uses a computer to write on. That’s a musical instrument, not an access to the world, to [adopts nerd voice] friends you never had. That is fucking bollocks, it just winds me up!”
During his childhood he used to dance in his mum's kitchen to Led Zeppelin.
Some of his goals in life are to live out his ultimate sex experience (with a lot of chicks), have every part of his body pierced, and try all the hair colours.
What describes his personality the best are the lyrics of Firestarter, which he wrote about himself. Actually the first time he liked something he had done was when he first did Firestarter. (”For the first time I’d liked something I’d done. Not just musically, but personally. [...] I got home and I put it on and I thought: ‘I fuckin’like this,’ and I felt this massive wave of emotion...”)